Tulane vs GA Tech vs USC for BME

Hey @SamSB, I am going to give some slightly different advice from the mainstream. My 2 kids have visited GT many times over the years (we live 40 minutes away) and have taken tours of Tulane (one attended an accepted students fly in opportunity). My kids really liked GT and they LOVED Tulane and its campus, the friendly vibe of the students and the culture of service that is expected out of a Tulane student, despite both choosing a different school at the end. You have some great options in front of you and I want to emphasize what was most important to me as a parent watching them make their college admission’s decisions.

I believe that you can get the schooling and opportunities to be successful from any of the schools on your list, but I wanted my kids to find a place where they would really be happy . As parents, we tend to get bogged down in rankings and want the most “elite” options and opportunities for our kids, but finding a school where YOU would be happiest matters. I have watched my oldest grow into a young woman of confidence who has received unbelievable World class opportunities despite not choosing the most highly ranked school on her final list and the joy that she has for her school, friends and life is amazing. I wish you good luck in your final deliberations, and congratulations on your excellent options.


The social life was good, with lots to do. The one issue there in my time was the lopsided gender ratio (2:1 men:women). That has improved since then, though unlike most colleges GT is still more male students than female.

Professors were accessible and approachable. Undergrad research opportunities were there too.

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