Tulane vs Georgetown for Business & Foreign Language - please help, all insight invaluable :-)

Extremely excited to have two amazing options! Studying business and foreign language. Know that Georgetown has higher academic rank but Tulane seems friendlier? Would love insight into student culture and whether lots (too much?) partying at Tulane and anything else! Thank you!!!

I know a few kids who went to Tulane, half transferred out - all citing “it’s too much of a party school”.


I think you have two great options - and they are two different experiences.

Rank doesn’t matter - but major does. What level of business - when people say business, that’s like saying Engineering or Education - there’s a lot of topics within.

Tulane has high satisfcation. Gtown - people hate the food and eat out. We can all make generalities - but I’d visit, see the campus, decide which is for you. I have a preference - but I’m not you.

Rank does you no good if you are unhappy for four years - i’ll just say that.

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Thank you! You are so right.
I am interested in entrepreneurship but will probably study finance to gain more knowledge. My sibling attends Georgetown and has had good and bad experiences. I will visit Tulane in a week

Rank matters to the degree that Georgetown is seen as a target bank for Wall St recruiters whereas Tulane is not. If a Wall St finance/consulting career is of interest, that is much more likely from Gtown.


My child is in the undergrad business school at Georgetown.

At G’town, the practicality of the classes toward training for the “real” business world, student prep offered for internships, access to companies for internships, professionalism of the business clubs and mentorship within the business school has absolutely blown me (and my child) away and far exceeded expectations. I almost think of Georgetown business as a trade school in that regard. Although there are gen ed requirements, the business classes are geared toward you hitting the ground running after college.

The school is highly regarded by companies and a target for companies who are recruiting. Compared with other schools, base pay coming out of Georgetown is high for business (finance, accounting, etc) majors.

As far as vibe and culture, is there any way for you to visit both schools? You might get a gut feeling just from walking on campus. You can also call admissions and ask to speak with a couple of students and ask questions if you can’t visit.

My child has found Gtown friendly and not competitive. Very collaborative.

Can’t speak to G-Town (or Business in general between the schools) but Tulane does have a listing of students you can contact. If you login to your admissions portal - over towards the right there should be a link that says “Contact Current Tulane Students”. Provides profiles of students by State, Major, Year of Graduation and interests.

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You will know.

For example, and this was us (my daughter and I) - we thought Tulane was dumpy. We did LSU same visit and both thought was really nice (but didn’t apply). That said, my daughter LOVED the French Quarter - and you can get there via the trolley I believe.

Gtown is neat - you’ve been and has the walkable town.

Since you are going, you will decide - and your question becomes moot. Walk the campus. See the surrounds. Talk to people.

I only know a few who got into Tulane - and both loved it. One is doing an MPH - she stayed. Came from NJ.

Also, not sure if there’s a financial equation involved - but Tulane gives merit and if it’s less, that’s something to look at too. Of course both have need aid if that’s invovled.

Good luck.

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Are you gunning for Wall Street/IB/Consulting type jobs? If so, Georgetown is a surer thing – bigger name and better known for business. Name usually doesn’t matter much, but to get into some industries it can help. Tulane is a good school, but it doesn’t have quite the clout that Georgetown has in certain areas like poli sci/gov’t, international relations, and business/finance.

How much will each school cost?

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The cost is pretty much the same for both for me, but Tulane has provided 10k/yr merit scholarship. I should add that social life is super important to me and I have heard from my sibling that MSB can be ultra competitive between students

Competition and social life are two different things. You can have both with the same kids.

And social life means a lot of things to a lot of people. My son has a social life but doesn’t go to large parties for example


Thank you so much for everyone’s comments. And please, if you have anything else to add I would love to hear!!

Which language? Georgetown’s FLL offers incredible instruction. There is a new double major across MSB and FLL if international business appeals. The recruitment for IB and Consulting as well as career prep are very strong on campus as others have said.

Good luck making your decision!

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And I know a lot of kids who attended Tulane and did not consider it to be too much of a party school, did not transfer out, and consider it to be the best decision they have made in their young lives. This includes my D, who has been employed since before graduating and who today accepted a new six figure job offer less than a year since she did. :man_shrugging:


Great to know! What did your D study while at Tulane? And what industry is she in now?

That is great to know!! I am in FLL and studying Portuguese and Spanish. International business is very appealing to me!

If you are looking at the International Business, Language, and Culture major at Georgetown, that likely significantly tips the scales towards G’Town.

For foreign languages and for business Georgetown clearly beats out Tulane. But if your sibling attends you must have a good feel for Georgetown and if for whatever reason you think you would prefer Tulane I don’t think it would be a mistake.

My son is in the business school at Tulane and has found it to be a collaborative atmosphere. Absolutely you can party, though that can happen anywhere. The required service learning aspect (2 courses for graduation) remind the students of the importance of the needs of the greater community. And they have an entrepreneurship program that is getting good reviews. Studying Entrepreneurship

With their recent Football success, school spirit has also increased.

Good luck with your decision!

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