
<p>What are your favorite songs to listen to while doing homework? I posted a thread like this before but no one responded and I can't find it.</p>

<p>This may seem like a joke and it is in a sense, but these are 2 great songs from Arthur and friends that you MUST download for a good laugh.</p>

<p>Jekyll Hyde</p>

<p>one day i went to the library
i found this book it was great
it was so cool i couldnt put it down
even when it got pretty late!</p>

<p>that night i had a scary dream
i mixed my own secret potion
added dirt, a bit o' sludge some eyes of flies
and a tiny dab of sun-tan-lotion</p>

<p>i started shaking, my legs were quaking!
my stomach aching, my brain was breaking!
i started turning green, feeling mean
it was like in that story
i was acting strange, quite daranged
it was pure alagory!</p>

<p>alagory: a story where the characters stand for absract ideas
for example-good and evil cuz i was</p>

jekyll, jekyll HYDE jekyll HYDE HYDE jekyll
jekyll jekyll HYDE jekyll HYYYYYYYDE!!!! (X2)</p>

<p>when i awoke i was me again
i hid the book out of sight
it was so cool i couldnt keep away
so i took it out again that night!</p>

<p>and then i dreamed we had this test in school
i gotta say it was weird
we had to give the answers in semiform
and for extra credit grow a beard</p>

<p>i couldnt take it, just couldnt take it!
in one swift motion i grabbed my potion!
i said mister hyde has arrived,
tossed my flags on the floor
made a major speech,
told the teach this is all a big bore!
ran down all the halls, wrote on walls
even stole second base!
i was super bad, sure was glad
i wasnt wearin my face
cuz i was</p>


<p>this is too much, i simply had to stop!
i threw that potion away(potion away)!
but it didnt matter if i drank the stuff
i just kept on changing anyway(changing anyway)!
now i was</p>


<p>just when it seemed there was no way out,
i saw the book was overdue
the booklady said "are you returning?"
i thought and i said "no, RENEW!!!!"</p>

<p>{refrain}X1 1/2</p>

<p>Library Card
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card</p>

<p>Come on inside, we've got everything you need
There's plenty to do or you can just sit and read</p>

<p>This book explains how to make paper planes
This contour map can show you mountain range terrains</p>

<p>Fly to the moon, explore the ocean floor
Find out which one's the tiller and which one is the oar</p>

<p>Here's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Half Magic"
"Hop on Pop," "The Fox in Socks" and books on doing card tricks!</p>

<p>Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card (That's right!)
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card</p>

<p>Books on baseball, hockey and soccer
And even how to build yourself a cool doorknocker</p>

<p>I could stay in this place for hours and hours
I like books with pictures of lotsa pretty flowers
being crushed by a giant pterodactyl</p>

<p>Jules Verne, HG Wells, and Ray Bradbury
You can take 'em home so you don't have to read 'em in a hurry</p>

<p>Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card</p>

<p>Paintings by Leonardo, Rembrandt, and Picasso
Confidentially, I'm reading "Go, Dog, Go."</p>

<p>There's "The Giving Tree" and "Jumanji" and "Where the Wild Things Are"
And a book on why you shouldn't keep your brother in a jar</p>

<p>All the thoughts and dreams of people throughout history
And all you need's this little card to borrow 'em for free!</p>

<p>Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card</p>

<p>There's story time and lessons on how to use computers
But there can't be any classes on how to make me cuter</p>

<p>Puppet shows and movies, the cool things never end
And don't forget the Dewey Decimal System is your friend
Who's Dewey?</p>

<p>And don't forget the Dewey Decimal System is your friend
Who's Dewey?!</p>

<p>Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Who's Dewey?!!</p>

<p>Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Who's Dewey?!!!</p>

<p>Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
Having Fun . . . Who's Dewey?!</p>

<p>no thoughts?</p>

<p>please give this thread your attention or ill go karma chameleon on your ass</p>

<p>you asked for it~!</p>

<p>Desert loving in your eyes all the way
If I listen to your lies would you say
"I'm a man without conviction
I'm a man who doesn't know
How to sell a contradiction"
You come and go
You come and go</p>

<p>Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon
You come and go
You come and go
Loving would be easy
If your colors were like my dream
Red, gold and green
Red, gold and green</p>

<p>Didn't hear your wicked words every day
And you used to be so sweet I heard you say
That my love was an addiction
When we cling our love is strong
When you go you're gone forever
You string along
You string along</p>

<p>Every day is like a survival
You're my lover not my rival
Every day is like a survival
You're my lover not my rival</p>

<p>"I'm a man without conviction
I'm a man who doesn't know
How to sell a contradication"
You come and go
You come and go</p>