Turing Class of 2026

Thank you so much @nklayman. Appreciate your perspective. We are in Texas. :slight_smile:

What is her first choice ? Turing or csb if she accepted to both ?

She prefers Turing.

That’s good to hear. I also OOS and thought I need to buy a condo to qualify for the in state residency status. Did anyone you know successfully do that business to have in state residency? Thanks

My Engineering Honors changed to no admit. Turing and Dean’s still are “still under review”.

Had my CSB interview today, lasted about 20 minutes, there weren’t very many questions for me, mostly about why UT/why CSB, and then I asked a few questions. Fingers crossed haha


Same I had mine today as well. Was yours also an alumni?

I saw that some people got into deans and cns honors today. Has anyone got into Turing or CSB today?

Yes mine was an alumni, a friend of mine had his yesterday with a UT employee though, apparently they didn’t have enough interviewers this year or something

Yep, I directly know one person who successfully did the business route and I know of a few others who did as well. There are also a couple people that went the property route. At goto_Turing we’ll have an info session for out of state students that covers this.


Has anyone’s turing page updated or is it still showing the under review message?

Yesterday my Engineering Honors turned to not admitted even though my CS admit came in January. Others show still under review.

No change

Why were they considering you for Engineering Honors if you had applied to CNS?

My second selection on the application was Engineering.

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Is this what y’all see under the Honors tab even though you have been accepted to a major? My to-do items include Accept/Decline and pay enrollment deposit, both of which I have not done yet.

Yes, that’s what it says for me still. I haven’t committed to UT yet either

Thank you. That helps with some context as the message implies to-do items needing attention. I was wondering if acceptance to Turing is dependent on us accepting the admission offer to major first but since you got in, it is not then.

For those of you who interviewed for CSB, have you heard back yet?

Not so far on our side.

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