Turing Class of 2026

I don’t think many will hear back till March 1st. I think csb could just release all decisions on that day

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A friend of mine got into CSB tonight, not exactly sure when, we’ve been away from our phones from 3-9 pm so it could have been anytime between there. He interviewed Monday afternoon.

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(OOS) Admitted to CSB yesterday evening. I had my interview the night before, which is really weird because less than 24 hours later I got a decision. I was admitted to Turing Scholars in December by mail.

I’m interested in both CS and business but lean more to CS, so which would be a better option for me? I still want to pursue an entrepreneurial track.

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@Sophiaaalexa Congratulations! @techpreneurCV did they call or did they send email notifications for the acceptances?

You could perhaps consider a minor in business while doing Turing. My son wants to speak with a couple of CSB students to get their views. The program is new and he wants to understand any advantages or disadvantages for internships or any electives he may want to take. In essence, does CSB create disadvantages for those wanting a CS internship because of the timing of CS classes? Also there is no history of where CSB students land in the workplace because it hasn’t happened yet, so we are wanting to learn more before committing.

Has your son already been admitted to CSB?

He hasn’t received a decision yet. Still waiting to see what happens. Hypothetically it seems he would favor Turing but we are awaiting that decision too.

Any estimate on how many acceptances to Turing so far?

Pure speculation on my part, but it looks like maybe a handful in each program. It seems they targeted very strong candidates early so they could compete with early action results and possible acceptances to Ivy League schools for those same candidates. The university likely profiled people they perceive could accept offers elsewhere and perhaps accepted them earlier. Seems more OOS are in so far than in state. This is just judgement based on reading stats and acceptances from various forums.

I’m currently in the discord server, and so far there are around 50 prospective students. Like you said there are slightly more OOS than in-state. Obviously there might still be scholars admitted that haven’t joined, but I definitely feel there will be more Turing spots/acceptances left to give out

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Oh then they might be releasing the remaining half over the next week and a half

Guess we will see in one week. Glad I am not relying on this decision outcome.

My son got admitted to Turing in December, but he has not received any emails containing a discord link. Can you pm the link?

They sent an email saying that there was a “status update.” I opened the honors tab of the application portal and it said I was accepted to CSB.


Can you pm the discord invite link to me? I was admitted in December to Turing but wasn’t notified of any discord for the group.

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I am also in a similar boat with CSB and Turing and trying to decide. It is intriguing that there has been some skepticism about doing both CS and business instead of the CS alone. Turing is an incredible program, no one can dispute that. But, I recently came across a YouTube video from last year discussing Turing program to a prospective students forum and Dr Lin mentioned about 70 percent of freshmen from CSB program landed internships. Now I don’t know what the actual number for Turing program is. May be it is even higher but I would think 70 percent summer internships after first year is pretty high. Similarly a few weeks ago some one implied that MET Berkeley ( which is very similar to CSB) students have struggled to find internships. It is also interesting given MET program guarantees internships to their students and everyone who wants it gets it . M& T U Penn , the grand daddy of the business plus engineering combo has been very sought after for many many years and I have read in forums many students favoring it over HYPSM . I hope some one who has some first hand information on these programs can guide us in the right direction. Thanks .

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I guess maybe one follow up question could be how many internship seeking CSB students landed one? 70 percent might be fine if the other 30 percent weren’t seeking one. The program might be perfectly fine but we simply want to do some due diligence in case it is offered. Having some program flex for electives and obviously being a candidate for internships are important considerations.

Full disclosure - I’m only following this thread because I’m a Texas alum interested in engineering and CS. Additionally, my S did not attend UT but is a CS graduate just now in the workforce (MSCS 2021).

Just wanted to say that in general, internships for CS students are very competitive and that is particularly true for students seeking them in their freshman summer. Think about it, you are competing not only with freshmen from other schools, but upperclassmen from UT and other schools as well.

Students best bet is to start college and immediately start looking for that first internship…

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I think the flexibility of electives really depends on how many college credits a student already has at the start of program. Most CSB students have sizable credits.

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According to the Career benefits section at the bottom of this page, Why Turing | Department of Computer Science
around 75% of Turing scholars find internships freshmen year. This is pretty similar to the 70% CSB numbers you just listed. At this point Turing looks like the most likely landing point for me, if I don’t get into any of CMU, Stanford, or MIT.