Turing Class of 2026

Accepted in turing - no interview. OOS

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It is odd that review also tells me to check the admissions tab to see if I have been admitted. One would think they know I have.

Yes but it looks like she can apply to CS entry level and be in Turing as well. Got the info from CNS department.

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One possible explanation for the large number of deferrals could be that they simply haven’t gotten a chance to read all the applications yet. I guess we just have to wait for a few more weeks.

I hope so, although if regular honors deadline people got into honors, I’m not entirely sure.

I think your son and I got the admission the same day. I got the UT mail last week in Houston. USPS also lost two of our packages the same week.

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The official packet came yesterday. Finally! We are also in the greater Houston area. He was wanting the “swag” as you youngsters say because we are hoping to take photos on campus as we visit his cousins in Austin this weekend. One of his cousins is a recent UT CS grad and the other is a recent UT Dallas CS grad (twins). He has so many questions about UT so we are hoping to make a weekend of it.

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So not over analyze this, but I have heard some state their honors applications still show as “under review” while some are deferred. Which status is better and why? Not to read too much into it, but how strange that there is a different status. I don’t know what to make of it, if anything should be made of it at all. Thoughts?

My engineering honors still shows under original review even though I have been admitted to CS. My dean’s and Turing show the updated “still under review”. At this point, I am just letting it play out.

Still no email, only update is on the portal. Is that the case with the rest who got into Turing?

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If they got interview it was probably because they applied CSB as well ( one can apply for both csb and Turing honors with cs as the primary major) .Turing itself does not require interviews.

turing scholar here, not sure what usaco is but i solved like 10 problems on codingbat. they were in the warmup section too so idk. this was the hardest problem i encountered: codingbat (dot) com/prob/p161642

were you also admitted today?

no like i am in tooring bro lol, this is from when i applied

so drop out after freshman year lol

Yes, I was thinking about this possibility. Mainly because I have a website that I advertise on my application/resume repeatedly and I don’t think they ever visited it.

Do you guys think it would be a bad idea to reach out and ask if “We’re still reviewing” means they’ve read and deferred, or that they just haven’t read mine yet? Or just not worth the time since they won’t answer?

If you email Calvin Lin he typically responds very quickly. I asked him about the decisions timeline back in December and he responded within an hour.

You can find his email on the Turing contact us page

Yea still no email either

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Have y’all found or created any Turing group? Curious to see if a lot of others have heard back already