Turning in more than one SIR's?

<p>my friend is really indecisive, so she decided to buy herself more time by turning in SIR's to several schools saying she will go. and then later on, when she finally knows what she wants, she'll tell her schools that she wants to cancel/take back her Intent to Register. i'm thinking it's kind of a stupid thing to do. but then again, how will the schools ever know that she's turned in more than one SIR's?</p>

<p>if they are both public schools in the same state, the risk is high.</p>

<p>Dude.... dont do 2 UC's they are networked together....</p>

<p>They can find out pretty easily. There is a company called the National Student Clearinghouse <a href="http://www.nslc.org/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.nslc.org/&lt;/a> set up to provide exactly this information; they claim to have data on 91% of the US college student body. </p>

<p>And of course is she is dumb enough to submit SIR to multiple UC schools, she shouldn't be surprised they both find out.</p>

<p>what happens if they find out? cuz she sent it in to several uc's. will she get rescinded from both of them?</p>