Tuscaloosa 4th Best Place for Boomers to Retire, Study Finds

<p>Tuscaloosa 4th Best Place for Boomers to Retire, Study Finds</p>

<p>A new study by The Washington Economics Group ranks Tuscaloosa as the No. 4 destination for millions of baby boomers who may looking for the best place to retire. </p>

<p>The study, which analyzed baby boomer trends and preferences, found that pending retirees should look to Southern college towns for the best combination of climate, cost of living, health care and other top priorities. </p>

<p>The report, “Best Choice for Retiring Boomers: Head South - An Analysis of Selected U.S. Cities,” found that one-third of baby boomers would move to another state to find the desirable conditions they most value, which are a mid-sized town that offers a pleasant, warm climate with a mild hint of winter, a low cost of living, favorable tax rate and a top quality health care system, among other priorities.</p>

<p>I don’t know where my kids will end up but if it’s Alabama I’ll be down there faster than you can say Roll Tide! I’m wondering, though…are there any cute little towns in Alabama like the one in Hart of Dixie?</p>

<p>I’m sure there are some cute small towns…I know that I’ve driven thru some. That said, we will likely retire in T-town because it is “small town like” but has the facilities of a larger city (medical center, etc). Don’t want the town doc having to stitch up my dog (ie pig in the TV show).</p>

<p>Downtown Northport is very small town like.</p>

<p>wdaveo…love that show and I know exactly what you mean about finding something like that to retire to! lol Hubby and I have already talked about , if older D gets into grad school at UA in 2 + years we actually may consider a move. Or at least a second place that we rent out. I am getting tired of the cold, brutal winters of the Midwest.</p>