Tuskegee U?

<p>I've heard some really negative things about Tuskegee. Some say that it's very overrated, the academics are horrible, the admin is horrible, and it's in a really rual area (I'm from California). Have you had any personal experience with Tuskegee? If so, what do you think? I've always held Tuskegee in a very high regard, but now I'm suddenly questioning wether or not it's really the school for me. I would like to major in Sociology or Political Science, and I know that Tuskegee isn't really known for Social Sciences. Can someone please give me some insight on Tuskegee? I'll be going into 9th grade next year, so I have plently of time to figure it all out, I would just like hear a few different perspectives. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Bump!!! :)</p>

<p>Tuskegee has a pretty good Engineering school with the students being able to major in ME, EE, ChemE, Aerospace Engineering, and get a PHD in Materials. We are among the largest producers of Engineers in the country. </p>

<p>Not sure what you wish to major in but, keep in mind that the campus is in a rural area. Some who go there don’t like that but, trust me there are plenty things to do when there. But, a lot of it will revolve around the campus. Job recruiters still come to Tuskegee to recruit and we have had a lot of students go off to the graduate school of there choice. </p>

<p>Will there be times when you look at the dorm you live in, or the food in the cafeteria and ask if the school is over rated? Yes, probably so but, any college is what you make of it. You will find with Tuskegee being a historic campus when you tell people you attend there it will open many doors for you. Also, with the student body being only about 3000 or so it is a great place to be a big fish in a small pound. </p>

<p>Link (Points of Distinction) :</p>

<p>[Tuskegee</a> University | Points of Distinction](<a href=“http://www.tuskegee.edu/admissions/points_of_distinction.aspx]Tuskegee”>http://www.tuskegee.edu/admissions/points_of_distinction.aspx)</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any more questions about the school because based on what you want to do maybe I can give some specific info?</p>

<p>One last note can’t judge the administration as of yet because we just voted in a new president of the University who is implementing some great changes.</p>

<p>Tuskegee University
Aerospace Engineering
Class of 1991</p>

<p>I feel. If your worried about the rural area(I’m from Cali to) then you should visit. When I visited a school that was in a rural area…I HATED IT! One because Im so used to being by things and Just too much…land.lol</p>

<p>But if you heard these things(admin, academics, and etc) then you need to look it up yourself. Look at who has graduated there. Where they end up etc. </p>

<p>You have plenty of time for this though.</p>