Tutorial Services for Accounting?

I am in the process of doing some due diligence with regard to various undergraduate accounting programs and I was curious if Baruch had tutorial services for Accounting? I know that students have to read the textbook on their own and try and go to office hours, however, professors cannot spend hours at a time with a student. I am coginzant of that, not to mention that sometimes there are scheduling conflicts and students cannot attend the office hours. Study groups are good if you have students that want to be in a group, but sometimes it is not feasable to be in a study group.

This is why I think it is important for there to be tutorial services available. It is not a deal breaker. If Baruch does not have any, that is fine, but it would be good to know so I can compare between the various universities


When I was there many moons ago, there were tutorial services,which were usually given by top students. I was one of them,which is how I know about it. However, college is about learning to learn. You won’t normally find a lot of tutoring in college and probably shouldn’t use it unless absolutely necessary.