Tutwiler Room Question

I select my room in a couple weeks and I’d love to know what the biggest and/or best rooms are in Tut?
What floor is best? what rooms have the best view?


If you have a room on a top floor, you’ll have a great view. But if the elevators are running slow, or there’s a fire drill (there’s ALWAYS a fire drill), you’ll be going up and down a LOT of stairs. THe word is to have a room on a lower floor, the lower the better. As far as room size, I’ve heard that some of the corner rooms are slightly bigger…or was it smaller? All the rooms are pretty much the same size.

I’m also going to be live in tutwiler but Ill be an FA there. My best advice is pick one with a decent view and no floors 4-6. It’s an unwritten rule that floor 6 and below takes the stairs. Personally 4-6 flights of stairs is too much for me so a higher floor would allow me to take the elevator.

Also room ending in -45 are smaller but don’t worry those rooms are not being filled with residents. All the other rooms are about the same size. Feel free to PM me if you need anything(:

^ “FA” = Floor Advisor?

FA is freshman advisor. It’s similar to RA but we focus more on forming friendships with the residents and planning programs and less on paperwork.

@bamagirl18 @Southlander thank you so much!! I’ll make sure to get either 1-3 or above 7-8. Is the elevator really that much of an issue though? I have the second day to pick my room so I feel like the lower floors will all be gone by then!
And you mentioned views, do you know which rooms have good views?
Thanks again!!

Rooms ending with 27-42 face towards campus, rooms ending with 7 and 8 are 2 person suites so they have their own bathroom.

Having to ride the elevator is only a problem for moving in/out and when you’re running late since the elevator stops on a lot of floors. But it’s not that big of a deal.

@bamagirl18 okay! I doubt the suites will still be available on the second day though :frowning:
When you say 27-42 face campus, do they actually face campus or the stadium? Either way I will try to get one of those!
Thank you!!!

So the front of tutwiler is curved towards the front of campus.

Rooms 1-6 can see the stadium, a parking lot and a grave yard.

Rooms 9-14 see the parking lot, a little stadium and the grave yard.

Rooms 15-26 don’t really have a distinguishable view

Rooms 27-32 face towards sorority row but also can see the stadium.

Rooms 36-42 face towards sorority row away from the stadium.

@jennamarbles once you have enough posts, PM me and I will be able to send you a picture of the floor plan. You might be able to see it on the myhousing website. It will label the views for the most part.

@bamagirl18 thank you so much!! That seriously helps me sooo much. I’ll pm you as soon as i can!
One more question, what do you think is best for room/ bed setup? I’m like 90% sure I want to loft my bed but I’m not sure if my roommate wants to. Is it best to do them like in a T or both against the back wall?

Personally, last semester I had my bed lofted and I hated having to climb up to it. Other than that, it does allow for more storage under the bed. So personally I am going to have my bed lofted next year since I have a lot of clothes. Also bed wise, My friends who have lived there put they beds against the wall so that they have more floor space for things like chairs and all. They tend to have friends over a lot so they wanted that extra floor space. But you really don’t need to worry about how you want to lay it out until you move in. If you do loft your bed, make sure to get some sort of step stool or be prepared to climb up the sides. Also if you loft your bed you might want to make a special bed skirt to hide the storage underneath.

If you don’t get the exact room you want, remember its not the end of the world. I had my heart set on a specific room and I didn’t get it. It honestly won’t matter that much since you will spend most of your time in class, eating or at your sorority house if you rush. So try not to stress too much about your room. Enjoy the planning and decorating and all. It is so much fun(:

Does anyone suggest the two room (35 &34) DIRECTLY in the middle. They look a little smaller on the floor plans near the window. Whats the view like?

If you get the rooms in the middle, they are not much smaller just a pie type shape instead of rectangular some people prefer this because of the way they layout their room. The view from the ones on the front side of the building will overlook campus. The others will overlook parking lots or off campus apartments.

@bamagirl18 Would you say they are better for the L shape bed arrangement or straight line?