Tutwiler Scholarship

My S20, who was accepted to UA with the Presidential Scholarship, received an email today saying he has been awarded the Tutwiler Scholarship at $4250/year for four years. I cannot find any information about this award on the UA website or here on CC. Is this new? What can you tell me about it?

I can’t speak for the quality or correctness of the information, but a Google search came up with this:

The Julia Tutwiler Crimson Scholarship is a financial award sponsored by University of Alabama. Scholarship Requirements: Candidate must have a minimum composite ACT score of 32 (combined SAT I score of 1400), a minimum 3.8 grade point average, and rank in the top two percent of class.

Sounds pretty awesome! Congrats to your kid.

I also received the presidential scholarship and the tutwiler scholarship from UA. From what I can tell the scholarship is meant to cover the rest of the out of state tuition. The presidential is $26000 a year and the tutwiler is $4250, so that completely covers the rest of the $30350 a year OOS tuition.

First of all, I want to congratulate all of those who received this nice award! My son also received this scholarship, but he had originally received the UA Scholar merit scholarship $20k and the Tutwiler scholarship for a different amount. The amount does not add up to OOS tuition, so I’m wondering what they base the award on. I couldn’t find any information either, so I’m glad you asked this question.

My son received the Founders Scholarship, 15,000 a year and the Tutwiler Scholarship for 5,000 a year. We are out of state. So I guess the Tutwiler amount depends on your original award amount of scholarship money received. Congrats to all!!

My D20 got this scholarship yesterday as well on top of the Presidential so it now covers out of state tuition. UA just keeps getting more and more appealing. Planning to take my D down for a visit and tour the college of Communications and Honors College. Does anyone know any kids in or who graduated from Communications and their experience? My D also doesn’t want to join a sorority so is worried about her social life. She isn’t a partier but likes to hang out with friends and have fun.

My daughter also received notification that she would be getting the Tutwiler Scholarship valued at $4250 per year (in addition to Presidential Scholarship) so UA is making it very interesting financially. They are now cheapest OOS option for us. Love that UA is so generous with scholarships. I was just researching what this scholarship was when I found this post. Congrats to everyone!

we are out of state too; 14 hours away; and had just bought plane tickets to visit UA when this email came to us. Kiddo is excited; I’m going to talk to scholarship office about it all next week, as it brings total scholarships under the price of tuition. Wondering if that’s really right ?? Interesting!

Ohtheplaces… our “adopted” Bama daughter is public relations graduate from the College of Communications. She’s willing to speak to your daughter.
My daughter also honors college, no sorority and looking to meet new kids and possibly find a roommate.

Did your high schools submit mid-year grades?

Yes, that may be it.

My son was awarded the Tutwiler Scholarship for this 2019-2020. I was for engineering.

Does anyone happen to know if this is somewhat of an “automatic” scholarship if you meet the criteria. We are out of state and daughter meets all the criteria listed, received Presidential scholarship, has the ACT Score and is first in her class. Also applied and was chosen to be a Blount Scholar, but she did not receive the Tutweiler. Know of others with lesser stats that did receive the offer. Curious if this is something that can be negotiated. She really likes UA and is heavily considering it and is her top 2. She actually asked us to put a deposit down for the purpose of dorm selection in the event she chose UA. We were prepared to lose the deposit in the event she chose the other school which is a Top 50 school. Could putting the deposit down have caused her not to get the scholarship?

Don’t quote me on this, but my understanding is Tutwiler is a non-merit scholarship and it is not automatic. It is awarded by different departments at their discretion. My guess is it may be awarded to students who may not otherwise qualify for a merit based scholarship, but that is just a guess. I seriously doubt putting a dorm deposit played any role in her not getting this scholarship, but the fact that your daughter already has the Presidential Scholarship may have played into it.

My high stats presidential scholarship son received the Tutweiler so I do not think it is accurate that it goes to students that do not otherwise qualify for a merit scholarship. The presidential was awarded by admissions. There was an application for all other available scholarships that my son filled out. It was a very pleasant surprise for him to receive these additional funds.

ditto to colleghunt2017!
it’s also renewable automatically for four years. Very helpful.

Thanks for the responses. Daughter was aware of the additional scholarship application that had to be completed and did complete that as well. It was just odd that we knew at least 3 other people who did get the Tutweiler offer but had equal to or lesser stats. The only commonality was they hadn’t paid a deposit.

we haven’t paid a deposit either; engineering college; 34 & 3.97; applied in the early fall. I just don’t who and why some get them and some don’t. ??? Hope you can figure it out . … . your daughter sounds deserving.