Tutwiler vs. Parham

I’m interested in joining a sorority and I was wondering what dorm would be right for me. I was originally thinking Tut since it’s so close to the stadium and sorority row and it’s a good way to meet lots of girls. If I were to stay if Parham I would choose a suite style room. Is Parham close as close to sorority row as tut? Do the majority of the girls in Parham go greek? What are the pros and cons of each dorm?

The suites in Parham are NOT like the suites that you would/might have seen on your tour. Just be aware of that.

Parham is very close to the new sorority houses, and many of the women who live in Parham go Greek. It’s also right across the street from Burke, which has a late-night convenience store and a great dining hall.

Hope this helps,

Rooms in Parham, Burke, and Tutwiler are virtually the same. I lived in Parham as a freshman and it seemed that my room just a tiny bit bigger than my daughter’s in Tutwiler. Parham is right next to Burke’s feeding area. Parham is only 4 or 5 floors so much smaller than Tutwiler…easier to go up and down stairs. Also Parham has less of a “rabbit warren” feel to it.

Parham is very close to sorority row and the new parking garage is super close to it. I had friends live in parham and love it. But none of them rushed. If having a floor filled with girls rushing is a priority for you, I would chose tutwiler. If it isnt a priority then I would chose parham. They are basically the same except tutwiler is HUGE and parham is fairly small. Dorms are what you make of them.

Does anyone have any experience with living in honors dorms and rushing?

My rising senior son lived his first 2 years in the Honors dorms and knew a bunch of girls who rushed…can’t help you with more than that, but rest assured there will be many girls rushing who live in Honors :slight_smile:

@southernbound18 I lived in honors freshman year and a lot of girls rushed but I wouldn’t say it’s the majority.