<p>I was wondering what the TV situation in the dorms is like. I was thinking of just buying a TV tuner for my computer so I didn't have to bring a TV, has anyone had any success with this? I don't really know how they work. </p>
<p>Do roommates usually share the tv or just have 2 separate? I don't think there's very much room there. Also, do the rooms have cable boxes or just the jack in the wall?</p>
<p>It’s a jack in the wall. You have to bring the cable.</p>
<p>And I know last year, my brother brought a fridge and his roommate brought the tv. They shared both. I think that’s how most people in his dorm worked that out. He is over at UC Davis.</p>
<p>I bought a TV tuner for my computer that worked very well (mac). I ended up barely using it, but it was nice for that bimonthly episode of CSI or something when I felt like it. I think this is a better idea than buying a new tv if you are planning to watch only tv and not play video games. Also, unless you live close to the school, its annoying to have to lug one more thing around. If it is a flat panel, you need to be able to trust your roommate and his friends.</p>
<p>TBH, most people around me didn’t seem to watch tv in their dorms. People either play video games or watch movies with friends. People generally watch TV in the lounge (every floor has a lounge and a tv with cable). There is also a couple lounges per college with large flat panels/projection tvs which are usually playing movies on the weekends.</p>
<p>Well, in Porter last year, we only had one lounge with a broken TV…It also smelled like ass. We called it the Ass Lounge
But since they’re putting the freshmen in the new building, I don’t know what it’s like. But there’s always someone who has a TV and if you find yourself wanting one (and you have room for it), you can always bring one up Winter Quarter or if you go home earlier than that.</p>