<p>I’m team JACOB!!! He rocks The movie was suprisingly…fantastic. I had this warm feeling of joy in my heart after watching it…like love.</p>
<p>I wonder what the interviewer would say if she asked me “what are you currently reading?”</p>
<p>“The Twilight Books. My favorite is Twilight”.
Actually, I’m currently reading Sex and the City, the books. I shouldn’t say that…so instead I’ll say Twilight. :)</p>
<p>I can’t stand twilight either. Maybe you should have started this thread on a twilight fan club site rather than one dedicated to college and prep school admissions</p>
<p>This is exactly the kind of thread that is designated for the cafe forum, please don’t bring this here. It’s completely irrelevant to prep school, and please don’t make up some ridiculous way in which it is because its not.</p>
<p>The Twilight books are very poorly written, but it was a good idea. I personally think that Stephenie Meyer should have gotten some kind of writing degree before she set out to get the books published. They were really addicting…in the sixth grade.</p>
<p>People who seriously want to discuss it need to find another forum. I’m sure there are plenty.</p>
<p>I think the Twilight series has absolutely no substance. It’s only a guilty pleasure for me.</p>
<p>Bella drives me nuts.
Edward is a character with an uninteresting personality. (gorgeous, abusive boyfriend who also turns sparkly in the light? uh, okay.)</p>
<p>and most of all, what I HATE HATE HATE
is when people say Twilight is the next Harry Potter, or that it’s better than Harry Potter.</p>
<p>Twilight isn’t even in the same league as Harry Potter; end of discussion.</p>
<p>what a random…sighhh
it seems i can’t escape twilight even on college board
i read the book a long time ago when it first came out but I didn’t really like it so I didn’t read the rest of the series.</p>
<p>I think twilight is for stupid heads
But seriously this has nothing to do with prep school admissions I mean there are off topic ones but they usually have at least something to do with it</p>
<p>If we are going to have one of these threads, can it be about a good book =]. We do need something a little off topic I agree, especially with March 10 creeping up…</p>
<p>Oh Dear
I was having a good day, until I remembered that there are actual people in the world who enjoy reading Twilight.
Why is this crappy thread on the cc anyway?
Twilight = the beginning of the end of all good writing</p>
<p>oh i’m sorry everyone!i don’t know how to start threads…and when i saw the button that says “new thread”, i just clicked on it!i am very sorry.how can i move this cafe?</p>
<p>again, i am very, very, very, very sorry if i made some people mad! sigh.</p>