Twins graduating on the same day 2 hours away from each other. what to do

I will have twins graduating college on the same day at least two hours apart. Should the parents separate and attending one of the colleges, while the other parent attends the other? what do most people do?

Most people don’t have twins. :slight_smile: I think having one parent going to each graduation is the only option you have. You can all meet up to have a celebratory dinner later. Congratulations.

That’s what friends of ours did. One parent went with a grandparent to son’s graduation, the other parent went with the other grandparent to the daughter’s graduation. Then they met for an early dinner and exchanged pictures :slight_smile: and videos.

Divide and conquer. Have a big party when everyone gets back together.

I agree one parent at each. Toss coins or something for who does which one. Years and years ago, my Dad knew he would likely miss my high school graduation because he would be overseas. He took me to the graduation the year before so he could imagine what it would be like. He missed my graduate school graduation too, for the same reason. It’s not something I resented him for or anything.

Sometimes there is nothing else to do. My friends had the same situation with their twins. Mom went to one graduation, dad went to the other then they had a party for both of them at home a few days later. They also had both kids put their cap and gowns back on and take some photos together and with both parents.

I like that idea of putting their cap and gowns back on for the photo!

Divide and conquer!! Think back to those times during so many years of dinner when one of you held one crying baby and the other held the other…and – no one got to eat a meal in peace!!

It is all good. They understand by now. And you and your spouse can celebrate double, knowing what an amazing job you have done. A big dinner together will multiply the joy.

As a fellow parent of twins, Congratulations!!!

Unless one of them is speaking, just have the celebration. Not much to see at most graduations. They can ‘model’ their caps and gowns later. Much less stress on everyone.

I have no regrets about not walking at my own graduation. No reservations whatsoever about missing the kids’. They will have much more important successes than finishing college and being forced to listen to a boring speaker repeat the same tired, old cliches.

Have a cake baked with the inside matching a main color for each school. The outside being white with black graduation trimmings…cut open the cake and wow!

Do both of the twins want to go to their ceremonies? Many people skip their college graduations. I skipped one of mine because there was no way I was sitting through a few hours of boring talk.

I can’t think of any alternatives that you might be considering… Pick whichever twin is your favorite, and only go to that one? :slight_smile:

Go to the one for the twin who graduated with the highest GPA! Or the one whose cap in gown is in the more attractive colors! Just kidding, of course. Unless one twin is completely uninterested in the ceremony, it seems the only answer is to split up the parental unit and be grateful there are two committed parents in this scenario.

Another consideration: Have some way of communicating electronically – cell phones, tablets, and/or computers – so you can share in the moments as closely as possible.

^Along those lines, many schools now livestream graduations, so if they’re not at the exact same times, at least crossing the stage, parents might be able to see one twin online, and the other in person.

I like the divide and conquer technique. Do feel it is worth the rite of passage to attend one’s graduation. Kudos to your twins for choosing their own paths instead of trying to stay together. Smart phones make a huge difference. The odds are that they both will not be walking across their respective stages at the same moment. At least neither will be able to claim having an earlier graduation date! Congratulations!

I’d ask them to make sure they care. I would probably rather just skip my graduation all together

I’m thinking of that current thread with the student who is one of quads. Can’t imagine all the logistics for move ins, move outs, getting them home for holidays and other times…and then trying to be at four different graduations. I think I’d push for them to attend one great school that isn’t cross-county, provide a big car, and let them drive home for holidays…and attend one graduation. lol (I know, not totally realistic)

I have twins - I didn’t have this conflict, but I cannot possibly see any other solution other than parents splitting up and taking one apiece. I don’t know what other possible options that are that aren’t unfair or hurtful. I think this is your only option.

Re quads … My friend with triplets who just graduated HS is having to move them to colleges in Maine, NOLA and SoCal all in 1 week! I have another friend with twins who just graduated HS and hers are going to Brown and U of Chicago but that’s much less problematic as, like me, one twin is on semesters and the other on quarters.

Miss graduation or let my kids skip it? No, not unless there were extreme extenuating circumstances (and having to divide and conquer ain’t it). Rites of passage are important IMO.

If one of them graduated from an Ivy, then all of you including the other twin should attend that graduation.

I don’t have twins – but my sons attended the same university and graduated 4 years apart. Except that S1 didn’t get to go to graduation due to an athletic conflict. Somehow he ended up in a cap and gown and walking with his brother’s class! I have graduation pictures of my 2010 and 2014 sons together in front of the bell tower. Priceless.