Two Arts Classes Senior Year?

<p>I'm setting up my senior year schedule, and here's how it looks:</p>

<p>AP Calculus BC
AP Literature
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
Honors Biology II
Honors Chorus
Either another chorus class (also advanced and audition-only, but not weighted honors) or an honors religions class (as a history class)</p>

<p>Also worth noting is that I'll probably, but not definitely, have some sort of leadership role in the second chorus class if I take it.</p>

<p>Would taking two chorus classes be too much "fluff" for my schedule? (I'm a straight-A student at a competitive public high school who will probably be a National Merit Scholar. I'm applying to top LACs: Wesleyan, Haverford, Vassar, Oberlin, etc... To give you the context in a nutshell. Last year I took 2 AP classes, and those were my only ones so far.)</p>

<p>Please don't suggest I change some other part of my schedule, if you could avoid it, because I know if I start changing other periods I'll just end up starting from scratch, and I'm trying to hang onto my original structure, if I can. Thanks! I've already given it all a LOT of thought (which I'm sure doesn't surprise you :P)</p>

<p>I'd enjoy both the religions class and the chorus class immensely (making it hard to choose), although I've heard mixed reviews of the religions teacher.</p>

<p>I don't mean to give off the impression that I'm "crafting" my schedule to please admissions people- I'm really not. I just don't want to do anything that could hurt my chances.</p>

<p>Thanks so much!!</p>