<p>Do you think that getting two C's second quarter is going to hurt me a lot, my other grades are A and B, and always have been in high school -- but then i just have two ridiculous classes this year, latin blows and gov we get taught nothing so im not doing well...is that going to hurt? i got B's in both the first quarter...</p>
<p>Generally, it is difficult to get in Wash U with Cs- if you have amazing extracurriculars or standardized test scores, then it wouldn't kill you. However, I am sorry to say that Wash U and all other top universities dread seeing Cs on ANY report card. After all, some students with 4.0s aren't accepted- sorry</p>
<p>what a wonderful life i lead.</p>
<p>anyone else out there feel like giving me a scrap of hope or am i just screwed</p>
<p>I'm screwed too. <em>smacks forehead</em> 2 C's also.</p>
<p>what'd you get your C's in</p>
<p>You're probably ok if you dont do it next quarter/semester</p>
<p>but they will have made their decision before that...right?</p>
<p>Does your school show quarter grades or just semester grades? Cause if your school only showed semester grades, and you did pretty well (how high were your B's by the way) first quarter, your semester grades might not show any C's because of the average of the two. Good luck to you. </p>
<p>Anyways, I applied to WAsh U regular decision this year. Do you guys think two C+'s in ninth grade would hurt alot? Aside from that, I have been getting mostly A's and some B+'s (my gpa goes up each year)</p>
<p>on our midterm report it shows quarter grades and not exams or anything, and then the semester average</p>
<p>ends up my gov teacher, this calss is ridiculous, submitted my 50% as a B, so i ended up only getting a C in latin, so instead of</p>
<p>B C - C
B C - B</p>
<p>it's going to look like</p>
<p>B C - B
B B - B</p>
<p>which i think looks a lot better, all my other classes are A and B's wihch they've been pretty much throughout, all AP's, so i thikn it wont hurt me tooo bad... i hope</p>
<p>At my school they only send out semester averages- without quarter grades</p>
<p>thats what mine's like for the transcript but the midterm report has quarters unfortunately.</p>
<p>oh well.</p>
<p>YEAH i did too <em>HIGH FIVE</em></p>
<p>It depends. Do you have a good explanation for it? (e.g. extended sickness, death in the family, etc. often explain second-semester drops). If not, you [p]might* be in trouble, but my guess is that they care more about shuffling the new class in than in throwing out admitted students.</p>
<p>huh? those were my first semester grades...</p>
<p>C+ in english 2nd mp this year...didnt hurt me!:)</p>
<p>What the **** is this?! I have NEVER gotten a C, my parents would have KILLED me if I'd gotten a C in ANYTHING. </p>
<p>I get waitlisted with my measly 3.86 unweighted GPA. Go figure. Sincere congratulations to you all. I'm just kind of yelling at nothing. I just think it's hilarious in a pot smoke haze kind of way that all us top 5%-ers are crying in our beer and you're on here crowing about getting C's and also getting admitted. It's freakin' trippy. </p>
<p>But hey, whatever works. You embrace those C's. ;-)</p>
<p>i'm not embracing them, i obviously would have been better off without them, and so would my parents have been happier, but that's how it works sometimes, and I am also like top 8% so its not like im a huge slacker or something...</p>
<p>well i also had a legit excuse that was analagous to "family tragedy" ...plus it was an 82 and an 83...not too bad</p>