<p>So I'm a first year sophomore at the UW-Madison but live in NJ. UW has a rather good econ program but meh philosopy program, while Rutgers has a really good philosophy program but a really meh econ program.</p>
<p>(I really like econ, and also wanna do philosophy cause I'm pre-law)</p>
<p>My current plan is to:
Graduate from UW in 3 years with an econ degree
Graduate from Rutgers with a philosophy degree (with a possible additional year)</p>
<p>Do you think this is a good idea? Will it hurt me on law school apps to have two different universities? Is this feasible or will it prove to complicated? Any considerations?</p>
<p>Wait, so you want to spend 8 years in undergrad school?</p>
<p>Why not just continue at UW but pursue philosophy-activities (interning for a professor, etc.)?</p>
<p>You don’t need philosophy for law.</p>
<p>well, i meant just 4 years</p>
<p>I don’t think you could grad in one year with a full degree</p>
<p>It’s not a good idea.</p>
<p>If you are planning on attending law school, stay away from “pre-law” & “criminal studies” majors. Other than that you can major in anything you want. Both are popular majors so you will have to end up differentiating yourself from all of the other Econ & Philosophy majors who think that this is a good major to get them to law school.</p>
<p>In addition, the LSAC will only calculate a GPA for all courses taken for your first bachelors degree. A second bachelors will not increase your chances of getting into law school (it would more likely be a waste of time and money since with the exception of loans , you will probably not receive any FA after your first bachelors).</p>