Two labs first semester good idea?

I plan on being a premed bio major. I have to preregister for classes. Would it be too much to take bio with lab and chem with lab, with 2 or 3 other classes, my first semester

I think you generally should be fine. I did this, and it wasn’t bad at all, granted my curriculum at the time was that of a public university, so the classes weren’t super intensive.

Taking two lab courses is certainly doable but as a freshman it might be a good idea not to overextend yourself the first semester until you get your bearings ( handling colłege course demands, social life, etc). So 3 other classes might be a stretch. you don’t want to dig yourself into a hole with your GPAs.

Agreed, do both labs and go with 2 classes. That will be plenty.

That’s pretty much what was expected of us during freshman year, especially considering that our general Chemistry labs were factored into the class grade. Three labs per semester with classes was the norm for many Bio majors at my university, even freshmen.

There’ a saying that pops up on this forum and Student Doctor Network that getting into med school is a marathon, not a sprint. Tapping on your brake pedal a little bit as far as course selection, especilally during freshman year, could be a smart way for you to go.