<p>for math 20A it says MWF like 10-10 50 and then on W thers anothe rlecture from 6 -6 50, so thers two lectures in a day, or is that saying u go to either one of the lectures on wednesday? so confusing! ahh</p>
<p>its 2 lectures in a day.</p>
<p>i think.</p>
<p>It sounds like 2 in a day. Might the second segment on Wednesday be classified as a lab or discussion, and not lecture?</p>
<p>it says LE for both if you look for math 20A...</p>
<p>it's 2 lectures a day. Sucks doesn't it. Just wonderin... What math 20A class you taking?</p>
<p>i have no idea, whatever I get, i didn't register yet</p>
<p>It's calculus on a quarter system, so it needs to have 2 lectures in a day because there is a lot of material.</p>