<p>Hi, I'm new and I just want to ask any current students how the grade inflation is and how hard/competitive is premed at Emory? TIA!</p>
<p>Wow, thanks for nothing</p>
<p>If any1 knows.... I'm also very interested in that question.</p>
<p>Im not premed but i do know that they just made chem 141/142 and bio 141/142 (which are required first year classes for premed) much mich harder in an effor to weed out some of the premed students. However, emory is not one of those schools where there is a ton of competition between students. everyone is very willing to help eachother. i guess its more of a competition with yourself</p>
<p>I'm a freshman right now and am currently pre-med. I'm taking Bio 141/142 this year. I must say that Bio this year seemed difficult and they also incorporated genetics into the bio 141/142 sequence. If you have a good biology background, I would say you have a good chance of getting a B. If you really work hard and do well an A is possible. I can't really comment on the other pre-med classes, since I haven't had them. But overall I would say that Emory has a very good pre-med program and that everyone here seems to help each other out. The classes will be challenging, since you are competing with some very smart students. The quality of the classes should help you do well on the MCATs.</p>