two recs from teachers of same subject?

<p>The teachers who know me best both teach English. Would it be bad to submit recommendation letters from two teachers of the same subject? Should I use one English teacher and one who teachers a different subject? </p>


<p>Yale's admissions website recommends you not do that. They recommend two separate subject teachers -- in rigorous academic classes.</p>

<p>It's not a good idea at any college. The second rec basically tells them nothing more about you that helps you, and raises instead the red flag that you have really distinguished yourself in only 1 subject.....</p>

<p>Okay. Thanks.</p>

<p>Separate question: Can I send in an additional recommendation from a community member?</p>

<p>They do not like supplements to their applications, especially not additional recommendations.</p>

<p>Alright. Thanks again.</p>

<p>Have a read here:</p>

<p>Applying</a> to Yale College | Frequently Asked Questions | Office of Undergraduate Admissions</p>

<p>Their words are "We strongly discourage...."</p>