Two rejection letters from same uni?


<p>I apologize for creating a superfluous thread (I hesitated days before posting), but this has been gnawing at me for about a month and a half now and I admit my nerves have bested me. Georgia Tech is rather secretive about its decisions, insisting that I wait until the admission decision to come through the mail. The application status website has some peculiar wording though: It states:</p>

<p>"*Final decision has been made -- you will receive two letters in the mail -- one from the department and one from Graduate Admissions."</p>

<p>The "two letters" part caught my attention immediately. Is this just a poorly-automated system or do universities actually send out two rejection letters? I saw that MS acceptance letters according to the small sample size on thegradcafe went out a few weeks ago.</p>


<p>Normally, graduate acceptances are subject to formal approval from the big graduate school after being approved by the department/committee and/or vice versa, so one notification would go out from the department (that you've been "recommended" for admission or that they're "pleased to welcome you on board") and the other would come from the graduate school (listing funding information, necessary paperwork, etc). I would take the "two letters" to mean just that (I don't mean to give you false hope, but really, I wouldn't see the point of two rejection letters)... I'm not sure why they're being so secretive, though. </p>

<p>Perhaps their acceptances are coming out in waves? Maybe they're waiting for additional funding? Maybe your mail got lost? It happens! Good luck!</p>