Two Topics in One (Pretending to be African-American; leadership skills)

<p>Okay, I figured I'd save time and space.</p>

<p>1.) There's an Indian girl in my class. She said the most ignorant thing earlier this week. She doesn't want to list herself as Asian b/c of the obvious competition, so she said she's going to put 'other' and hopes that the college admin. thinks she's black. Quite awkward when I'm just sitting there (only black girl graduating IB this year....and technically the only African-American in the whole senior class). So it made me mad b/c she insinuated that being black will get her into a good school, so I already know that the kids in my IB program at school will say that I got into a good school b/c "I'm black." That's BS b/c they ignore all of the hard work and obstacles you've overcome (and trust me, there have been plenty of obstacles). Anyway, does anyone have any stories or takes on this situation?</p>

<p>2.) I'm applying to a few reach schools, but I'm really dying to know how many leadership skills on average do schools look for. I'm a peer mediator, I'm restarting the BSU and want to become the president this year, I'm a LEDA Scholar, and I want to run for office in NHS (perhaps treasurer). I'm a Delta GEM as well (I think that, in ways, constitutes leadership), and I plan on joining one more leadership-y club (I have extra free time this year). And yes, I made an adjective out of the word leadership. I really just want to get some insight on everyone's take or experience or knowledge on this aspect of the college app process as well. </p>

<p>Gotta get ready for school, but THANKS in advance for the info and God bless = ]</p>

<p>Yeah what the girl in your class says really makes her sound ignorant. Being black is not a free pass for anything especially not being accepted into college. Does it help? Yes But if your academic preformance is not up to par then who cares what color you are. I would suggest choosing the leadership position you are most passionate about. Colleges like to see that you can lead, but also that you are dedicated. If a person has 10 leadership positions, but cares about only one it doesn’t say much abou the student. The college may think that the student is trying to impress them. But if you are passionate about all of your positions then go for it. But that’s just my opinion</p>

<p>I know how you feel- in my school not among my classmates ( they wouldn’t dare)
But among my speech team, we debate about AA and everyone talks about how they wish they were African American so they could get into any school they wanted and nonsense such as that. I really get sick of hearing Asian people who whine about how they’ll never get anywhere. I understand that their applicant pool is stronger but that doesn’t mean all African Americans should be subject to ridicule and scorn.</p>

<p>The girl does seem like a bit of an idiot… I personally am not a fan of AA, but I definitely understand its purpose and I’m not ignorant enough to get mad at African Americans or other URMs for “taking my spot” as many people say.</p>

<p>As far as leadership positions go, you’re not going to get too much to add to your resume since you’re already a senior. And if you do find more positions to get, it will likely look like resume padding. You seem to be in great shape, good luck!</p>

<p>Don’t college applications ask you where you’re born? If she’s indian and born in India, it’s a good indication that she’s not African American. In addition to that, most colleges don’t make assumptions on their race (unless the person’s born from China and their last name is Lee >.>). It would be very useless to not report herself if she had a stereotypical Indian last name and was born in India. On top of that, she’s ignorant as everyone said. </p>

<p>And you do have an excellent resume of spots. I wish I had yours =/ good luck.</p>

<p>She was born in the USA. It isn’t right at all. It’s a slap in the facewhen I’m the only African-American female in the IB program and technically the only one in general, and I’ve worked my butt off for four years AND had family problems. I know for a fact people will say AA got me into schools, but seriously…AA can only do so much and it’s not right to discredit anyone’s hard work. </p>

<p>I’m really passionate about everything. I’ve wanted to be a peer mediator since fourth grade (now I get the opportunity ha). I love my Delta GEMS. I’ve wanted to join the BSU since freshman year, but they never did much, and now, I have to find a sponsor for it. Couldn’t run for office in NHS b/c they picked the same people they always do. LOL I need to go on my man/womanhunt for a BSU sponsor today. I think I have an idea. I’ve talked to 2 counselors, a woman that works in the office, the director of opportunities, and a teacher. I’m pretty sure that’s passionate lol esp. in the course of 2 lunch periods. I’m gonna get a sponsor though.</p>

<p>“I know for a fact people will say AA got me into schools, but seriously…AA can only do so much…”</p>

<p>If AA can only do so much then it won’t do anymore for her than you.</p>

<p>Colleges won’t assume she’s black because she checked the “other” box. Don’t worry about what other people think about why you got into college.</p>

<p>THAT’S MY POINT. People think AA GETS you into the school, no it only assists. They think the “other” box will help them out, but it really doesn’t matter. I’m not worried about what they think; I’m tired of hearing the same BS, that’s all. It’s hard being the only one, you don’t get the racist jokes every other day. I could care less b/c they’re jealous, and they only encourage me to work harder. Besides, I’m not the nice pushover type, if they say something rude, I quickly reply with something that shuts them up. So whatever they have to say is invalid which is why they tend to back down away from me.</p>

<p>if she checked the african american/black box that would be a different story, but checking the other box is a waste of time, and asians and indians who do that are forgetting that their names can give them away too like “lee” or “subrayaminajan”</p>

<p>and what do you guys think about people from north africa who check the african american box but aren’t black like egyptians, algerians, etc…</p>

<p>^^ haha great point. i never thought about that…</p>

<p>lol that’s what I was thinking. She claims her name is of African descent (but it doesn’t sound like it). Anyway, another kid in my class wants to play the race card by claiming he is Mexican. His mom is Mexican, but his dad is Caucasian. He says it’ll look better to put Mexican than to put Caucasian. I’m sorry, but that’s just doubting yourself if you think that your race has to get you into a college (even though it really won’t solely get you in like they think; I’ve said time and time again, it’s just taken into consideration).</p>

<p>But as you all can see, our IB program is quite ignorant and childish. I always have a positive attitude and simply said (and not in an arrogant tone b/c I’m not that type of person), “I’m going to Columbia.” An African student (there’s 2 African guys in IB and I’m African-American…the only girl) said “Watch you don’t get in.” Then, he proceeded to suggest that I could NOT get in. I was just being positive about it b/c unlike him, I don’t go around saying “I have no chance at getting into Columbia, I can’t do this, etc.” I’m very positive and what people don’t realize is you can speak things into existence, so I might as well just remain positive. Anyway, it’s like my best friend (who is in honors now) and me vs. IB at my school. I don’t care about people and their jealousy. (ever since i came back from a summer program at princeton, i’ve been hassled and harrassed yet just last year they said none of us would get into an ivy league but now they want to know what schools, specifically ivy league, i am interested in). It’s just dumb. I’m applying to good schools that suit my career interests; their ignorance only inspires me to keep up the good work. It’s just said that even people of my own descent try to bring me down. And on top of that, the African student is one of IB students who always makes racist comments about blacks and how we can’t do anything and how HBCUs are bad and this and that…BUT get this: he wants to become the president of the BSU (now that’s resume padding)…i’ve been waiting to join the bsu since freshman year but it’s not a big deal and i never knew how to join and i was a bit shy but now i’m very outgoing. I’m honestly really interested…i’m the ONLY african-american girl and i don’t have many african-american friends or anything and I just want to learn more about people in different parts of the school (IB is basically separated from them and IB as you can tell is very racist…like 98% of IB makes black jokes constantly which i just ignore). So to say that you want to be president of a club you DONT care about and you make fun of (he says oh i’ll just find some black people to get more info about the bsu, then he says it’s just full of black girls) is ignorant and obviously a quick way to try to get leadership skills. I’m going to be president b/c my dedication is there and my best friend and i were the ones who are even getting the bsu started for this school year yet i missed the first week of school and had to get on track with everything. he’s been here for a month and just now pondered about it. bs.</p>

<p>A black girl in my school got accepted to Harvard, going there this fall, people talked. Why would putting yourself down as “other” make the adcom think you’re black? Isn’t there already an African American option under ethnicity?</p>

<p>Lol ^ that’s what I said. Seriously, they can have all the book sense in the world but no common sense.</p>

<p>i think you are from where you are from and that’s that. if you are from africa you are from africa. if you are from somewhere else and are black, you are black. that’s why they put black/african american. the mexican kid with a mexican mom and caucasian dad should check mexican and caucasian. on the app. it says “check all that apply” so check all that apply and be done with it. but if your name is like wikus van demerwer and you’re white and south african then you probably shouldn’t check the box. if you are algerian or egyptian and your name is mahmoud amadinajad then i would say you’re african. as long as you’re not a descendant of colonizers from europe i say you’re african regardless of color.</p>

<p>That’s true ^ ^ ^</p>

<p>i also noticed a post about her “name being of african descent” well that’s not a very good indicator. i know black kids who have names like chris or keith with ordinary last names, but they’re still black. a name doesn’t really mean anything and i don’t think they’ll look at you as black unless you check the black/ african american box. there is really no reason for them to think you are black but checked the “other” box unless you are applying to a college with vveerrrrrryyyyy stupid admissions officers. the worst part is this girl probably thinks it will work.</p>



<p>Why don’t YOU tick “other” then you’ll always know AA didn’t get you in anywhere?</p>

<p>^^^ Lol b/c my college app gets reviewed by the program I went to over the summer. They suggest changes, and this is an amazing program; I’m not stubborn enough not to listen. I’m not ashamed of my race either, and I could care less what they think I checked (at the end of the day, no matter what you check, they’ll play the race card).</p>