Two vs three sat subject tests for elite admissions

<p>Yes. You select the schools to receive free score report up to a few days after the exam but before seeing the result. Since you already have 2 scores on hand, you may take average of that free score report and send to some schools, particularly safety and schools that want all scores. It is cheaper to take 1 SAT2 than sending 4 score reports.</p>

<p>That’s exactly what we plan to do. We already know D’s SAT 2 scores for Math 2 and Chem from the May 3 test and her SAT from last December. When she takes the June 7 US History test, we plan to use the free score reports. </p>

<p>I personally do not understand how come taking APUSH and scoring well does not count as “proficient” in the subject but taking SAT II does. So an adcom would say: She/he took the AP’s and did well but I am not sure he/she understood the material because there is not corresponding SAT II test??? (which supposedly tests material lower than the AP). Competing with other students against what? The obvious?
I do not not want to contradict the other parents. Obviously, you want to be safe than sorry. It just bothers me that it becomes testing for the shake of testing. </p>

<p>^ It does, but you don’t submit AP scores to schools for admission. While SAT2 scores are submitted.</p>

<p>Also, the 2014 AP scores won’t come out until July. The pending question is whether to take a third SAT 2 on June 7. </p>

<p>I would take 3 SAT Subject Tests if I am confident I can score well on all three. Don’t sacrifice study time just to take 3 tests. 2 outstanding tests and are better than 3 mediocre tests.</p>