Two week wait.

<p>The "One month wait." thread no longer applies...we're halfway through it!</p>

<p>Every day I get just a little bit more nervous...I think by the time the 12th or 13th rolls around I'm literally not going to be able to breathe.</p>

<p>How has everybody else been coping?</p>

<p>I have a ton of stuff school wise the next two weeks so I find that rather convenient because it will occupy my time. But really, it’s all I think about, haha.</p>

<p>the days are passing sooooooooooooooooooooooooo slowly. it feels like every second i ask myself “it’s still only tuesday? today has been an eternity!” </p>

<p>other problem, the fact that we might find out anywhere between the 12th and the 18th (the range in which cc kids got their letters last year) makes me hopeful/freaked out even more. it could be just ten days!</p>

<p>My college adviser came up to me today and said they are mailing them a week from tomorrow (12/10)! But that’s not the official word…</p>

<p>That’s exciting!!! That means the 12th or 13th then!!</p>

<p>omggggg. how does he/she know, emster? as someone (keenon i think) said earlier, there are no info sessions from the 2nd to the 9th to give the admissions counselors time to do ed apps. assuming that they finish up on that last day, the 9th, a 10th mailing is quite feasable! wow, you guys have got me pumped up now. =-]</p>

<p>I remember reading a post or posts from past years that their aim was to get notices mailed on the 10th, but there can be delays. I don’t remember if it was last year or the year before that there was a delay, but if anyone wants to they can check it out on old posts. With ED apps up, I wouldn’t bet the farm that they get the notices out on next Wednesday, even if that is the goal. But it would be nice.</p>

<p>I am extremely nervous!! I live like 45 mins away from Haverford, So, i think i will get it sooner. Just MAYBE!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I have no idea how he knows, but he’s really reliable and that date is totally possible. I’m so anxious right now. Being on the west coast, I probably wont get mine till that Friday or the Monday after. (You’ll all know before me)</p>

<p>i remember from the ed thread last year that some kids living really close to PA didnt get there’s until the 15th or after. Most of it was quite irrational as to days of delivery.</p>