Types of kids mine would meet?

<p>I asked my daughter about this once and her response was, "no one cares." So I think it is more something parents worry about than the students. My daughter works in the summer too and she said that many of her "rich" friends work too. Even wealthy parents want their kids to know what it is like to work for your spending money. To be honest, she seemed to want to buy more of the hot name brand clothes and purses when going to the local school than she does now at BS.</p>

<p>I went to bs many years ago. Even though it wasn't in New England, it still attracted alot of wealthy kids. There were many of us day students who were avg middel class and some poor kids too. From my experience back then, most bs didn,t care much about the wealth and didn't even dress as nice as us day students dressed. My experience was that kids didn't pay much attention to wealth; you can't flex much money muscle at school. I think the days of these schools being just enclaves for the wealthy only who get to ski in Europe, etc. is about over. There are MANY people there who just want an excellent education.</p>

<p>Every school has it's queen b's and just generally wealthy, stuck up kids. But there are also many down to earth kids. The main thing that people look at is your personality, not how much your parents have in their bank account. As long as your daughter has her head straight, and has good values and good judgement, she should be fine. I went to a pretty stuck up, mainly rich kid school, and I was using used uniforms. I didn't come out of the school a completely different person. Why? Because I was taught early on what's more important, and that I should never change myself to fit in with others.</p>