"Typical Asian Nerd(not Genius)" Chances

<p>Ok, some of these stats are projected, but most are concrete. Just predicting my AP results</p>

<p>Asian American/Male

<p>I go to Boston Latin School, very competitive (31 into Harvard(15 in EA, 16 in RD), 7 into MIT this year 2006) - we're the feeder school for harvard</p>

Class rank: (N/A) top 10%
GPA: B average in Frosh, A average in Soph, A/A+ average in Junior/Senior</p>

<p>SATs: 2280 720R, 800M, 760W
800 Math IIC
800 Chem
760 Physics
740 U.S.
750 Bio E</p>

<p>Most Rigorous Courseload available to students at my schools
Skipped 1 year of math
World Hist - 4
US Hist -5
Calc BC - 5
Chem AP 5
Physics -
Econ -
Enviro Sci -</p>

<p>Harvard Classes (Night classes took 1 per semester starting junior year/1 in first semester of senior year):</p>

<p>Computer Science using Java - A
Linear Algebra - A
Multivariable Calc- ?(A/A-)</p>

Violin since age 8
Math Team Captian
Science Olympiad-Vice Pres
Science Bowl
Computer Club- Pres
A.S.I.A Club
Founder of a Math tutoring Program for competition lvl Math
Founder of Shostokovich String quartet at School
In Orchestras in school and out
Ulitmate Frisbee club
Boston Ultimate Disc Association</p>

Qualified for USA Math Olympiad (Top 250 kids in the nation)
5th place in 42nd Annual state math olympiad -soph
6th in State for Science olympiad (individual)
Schools Math team MVP
American regions math team A team memeber since soph
1st place in 43rd annual state math olympiad - jun
Invited to American computer science league All star compeition OHIO
Various math awards
Honor Roll
Perfect attendance all through HS</p>

Tutoring in School(sacrafice a study period) - since soph
Tutoring at Boston Public Libraries 4 hours a week on Sundays - since soph
Volunteer at Hospital during summer</p>

Soph BU's PROMYS(Program in mathematics for young Scientists- proabbly one of the most well known math summer progs in U.S, takes 70 kids nationwide)
Junior - 2nd Year of PROMYS, pretty intense, wrote a really good research paper</p>

8 hours a week since junior year/ law office</p>

<p>My teachers really like(love) me... and I write pretty awesome essays</p>

<p>As you can see, I'm not supersupersupersuperstar student, but I have some good math ability (USAMO, best in state). I plan to send the research paper I'm writing this summer with my app, I predict that it will be prettyy spectacular. I really slacked off in 9th grade but i've worked really hard since. What are my chances at these schools:</p>

U Chicago EA
U Chicago RD
Brown RD
Boston Univeristy RD
Cornell RD
Harvard RD
Northwestern RD
UPenn RD
Olin RD</p>

<p>Any Ivy is a reach, no matter the student, but you have a shot probably. I think with great essays you have a very good shot at UChicago. I would think you'd have no problem getting into Northwestern - it's a great school, but a lot of great students focus on the Ivies and ignore it.</p>

<p>dude, the USAMO will give you an exponential increase in your chances to any good school, you will most prolly be fine.</p>

<p>Ivy is always a reach + random.</p>

<p>Is it true that MIT and Harvard are so overloaded with USAMO and IMO kids that they dont give much weight or consideration to USAMO?</p>

<p>Bump 10 char</p>

<p>You should realize you're good enough to get in anywhere, while at the same time you could be rejected from the most-difficult schools just because the number of similar applications they receive.</p>

<p>I recommend you come to Olin and play frisbee with us.</p>