typical engineering SAT and GPA?

<p>yeah, like what would the average be for the engineering ppl at VTech? Would it be 1330, as that happens to be the 75th percentile for the whole school, but is probably the average for engineering people? and wat about tha gpa? thanks, ppl.</p>

<p>Rishmeister, I don’t know the specific numbers but I do know you need a minimum of 600 in the math and you need to take physics in high school. Both of these are hard (no waiver) requirements to be admitted to the college of engineering as a freshman. I also believe that even without both or either you can get admitted as a general engineering student your first year and based on how well you do on the general engineering courses apply as a sophomore into the college of engineering. Lastly, don’t let the “numbers” discourage you from applying. If you have excellent high school courses (science and math through calculus for engineering) you may offset borderline SAT scores. The only sure bet is if you don’t apply you will not get in. If you think VT engineering is for you apply regardless of what anyone tells you. Good luck!</p>

<p>P.S. I believe VT is an excellent engineering school. I work with many of their graduates.</p>

<p>I didn’t take AP physics and I still got in</p>

<p>The Requirements I stated came directly from an admissions director last summer. I did not (nor did she) say you needed “AP Physics” simply a course in “Physics” meaning regular or honors would be fine. Although she did not say chemistry could substitute the admissions info on the college of engineering web site states that can substitute as well.</p>

<p>Direct quote from the Colleges of Engineering Admissions Page:</p>

<p>“High School Preparation & Admission to the College
A challenging college preparatory curriculum is your foundation for success in Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering. Specifically, you must present a minimum of 18 units. Four units of English is the standard requirement. The university requires three units of math (including algebra I, algebra II, and geometry), but College of Engineering students must have a fourth unit beyond these three. (The fourth unit must be in a higher-level math such as trigonometry or pre-calculus.) Two units of social science are required. The university requires two years of laboratory science (biology, chemistry, or physics), but engineering students must have at least three years, with physics and chemistry preferred.”</p>

<p>I figured you meant that AP Physics wasn’t necessary but I was just clarifying it for the OP.</p>

<p>We went to the Open House at VT that was specifically for engineering. They showed a Powerpoint and one of the first slides showed the GPA required was 3.89+.</p>

<p>bravesgirl is that GPA weighted or unweighted???</p>

<p>Eagles<em>for</em>life that would be weighted.</p>

<p>So what about uw?</p>



<p>[Undergraduate</a> Catalog–College of Engineering](<a href=“http://www.undergradcatalog.registrar.vt.edu/0910/eng/index.html]Undergraduate”>Undergraduate Catalog--College of Engineering)</p>

<p>Note that this does not say about the average accepted SAT and GPA, which is probably higher (or lower idk).</p>

<p>Son was accepted (freshman at another school this year) and at the time of application (GPA weighted through Junior year) he had a 3.82 GPA.</p>

<p>Beware to all applicants- What I read and got info from CC and those attending is students are accepted to engineering but not officially in the program until they take an engineering class that is required and was told by admissions that the students have such a hard time getting that they can’t get it until sophomore year. Can’t take any engineering classes until this is taken. Friends sons best friend is a Junior at VT and is home this semester. He did not get a math class he needs and can’t take ANY classes until he has it. He is home for the semester. This Junior likes VT and does not like the professors. He is probably in a minority here, but it would upset me if my son could not take the classes he needs or had to graduate in 5 years due to that.</p>

<p>FYI- accepted as stated above-
3.82 weighted GPA
31 ACT
Top 25 percentile
Offered Honors Program at VT</p>

<p>Hope this helps some of you.
Good luck to all of you.</p>

<p>My experience (via son) was that freshmen who were accepted into engineering were guaranteed a spot in the beginning engineering course - in fact we were told that by his advisor during orientation when she put together his schedule. However, if you were in University Studies or transferring into the major, you couldn’t take it until your 2nd year. </p>

<p>I’m VERY surprised that your friend’s son wasn’t able to get a force-add to get the math course he needed. Especially if he wasn’t able to take any other course without it and has to stay home for the semester (which sounds like a very odd situation). I don’t understand how his advisor/department head wasn’t able to pull strings to get a force-add if the course was full. Don’t know why he couldn’t have taken some of his other CLE courses anyway, unless he had them already done. Both my kids have either been very proactive in looking ahead to see what will be needed in upcoming semesters, or in enlisting the aid of their advisors/professors. They haven’t had any problems.</p>

<p>My thoughts too, Zimmer. Son having no problems getting classes he needs. For instance,got chemistry but initially couldn’t get chem lab to go with it. Emailed advisor to alert her to that and it was added before start of classes. May be more to the story.</p>

<p>“Beware to all applicants- What I read and got info from CC and those attending is students are accepted to engineering but not officially in the program until they take an engineering class that is required and was told by admissions that the students have such a hard time getting that they can’t get it until sophomore year. Can’t take any engineering classes until this is taken. Friends sons best friend is a Junior at VT and is home this semester. He did not get a math class he needs and can’t take ANY classes until he has it. He is home for the semester. This Junior likes VT and does not like the professors. He is probably in a minority here, but it would upset me if my son could not take the classes he needs or had to graduate in 5 years due to that.”</p>

<p>Um, No. If you are accepted into engineering you are GUARANTEED to get into the engineering class, and you are in the College of Engineering. What you can’t do until your sophomore year is choose which specific section of engineering (Computer Science, Materials Science, Industrial, etc.) you want to do. If you are NOT accepted into engineering but want to try and transfer then you can’t take the engineering class till sophomore year, and you’re very probably a year behind. But if you are accepted into the college of engineering when you apply to VT you WILL get into freshman engineering. Period. Math classes fill up notoriously fast but also are notorious for having a lot of force adds. They deliberately underbook the classes so that they can add people that are required to take them for their major/other classes, and if you fill out the force-add form you should get into a section. If somebody finds themselves in a position where they are actually unable to take any classes due to a math pre-req they’ve failed miserably at planning out their schedule (which especially engineers should do once they decide on a branch of engineering) and for some reason refused to use a force-add. So yeah, I’m pretty sure you haven’t gotten the full story from your friend’s son, and I don’t want people to think that we really aren’t letting freshman engineers take the freshman engineering class.</p>

<p>^^Quoted for truth. Couldn’t have said it better myself.</p>

<p>This is a good plug for the Honors program. Fantastic people and they’ll really work to make sure that you understand what your four years are going to look like scaffolding wise.</p>

<p>The better a student gets to know his/her advisor, the better off the student will be. By figuring out your niche (I know my engineering but I’m a freshman) you can meet with the advisor even though you’re not technically IN their field yet. Honors advisors deal with less kids and have more time for students.</p>

<p>If you’re not in honors, you can still figure everything out; tons of people do.</p>

Son was accepted (as senior in HS) into Engineering at VT. Told you are not officially in engineering though until you take that first engineering class (engineering exploration, if I remember correctly.)</p>

<p>As I stated, it was the admissions/advising (can’t remeber which since it was last spring, but i would guess admissions) that told me via phone that engineering exploration fills up quickly and not enough slots so that son would not get it until sophomore year. She suggested he plan on taking it at a local community college (to VT) instead. </p>

<p>Can only report what I was told. This does not make it so of course. Maybe they are giving out bad info in the admissions office. </p>

<p>AS for my friends son 9and I got this from her) he needed the math class. As we know, not many electives in the engineering curriculum so I guess there was nothing else to take until he got this class completed. I suppose it was his option to stay or be home 9and save $$$ as he is OOS too) for the semester. </p>

<p>No knock on VT meant at all. Posted this just to warn others. Get the info ahead before you commit. Call the engineering dept directly (can’t remember if I did this or it was admissions) to verify when you can expect to take the engineering explorations class and how it may affect you.</p>

<p>Also, from being on the VT threads often last year, Chuy has always provided lots of useful info. Hopefully I just got the wrong person on the phone and it will not be a problem for any of you.</p>

<p>Good luck at VT or wherever you end up.</p>

<p>I’m a freshman majoring in engineering and chuy is dead on</p>

<p>Crazed, Sorry if your son did not choose Virginia Tech based on incorrect information that you had. It is a great place and as many have mentioned, getting the classes that you need will happen, even if it might take some effort on the student’s part from time to time.Hope your son is happy at his current school.</p>

<p>Thanks sevmom-
Yes my son is very happy at his chosen school. A real good fit for him. He’s joined several clubs in engineering, etc. Working hard but balancing that with fun too.</p>

<p>Hopefully all the kids will succeed and be employed following graduation!!!</p>