Typical Mexican Application to HYPS?

<p>Is there such a thing? I've always been curious.</p>

<p>This year, I'll be applying to UT- Austin, Rice, U Chicago, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford(EA) and either Johns Hopkins or Cornell (8 in total hopefully)</p>

<p>Here are some of my stats:</p>

<p>17 year old Mexican American(family makes less than 50k/year). First Generation College Student. From a small but growing rural Texas town. I plan on majoring in anthropology or history, but i wish to pursue a career in medicine</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA: 4.72 (regular-4.0, pre-ap-5.0, AP-6.0)
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Rank: 1/280</p>

<p>AP Classes</p>

<p>Junior Year: English, US History, Spanish 4, Calculus AB</p>

<p>Senior Year AP Classes:English, Gov't, Economics, Biology, Calculus BC, Computer Science, Music Theory</p>


<p>SAT superscore:</p>

W-760 Essay:12 (not same test as 760 score)</p>

<p>ACT: composite - 31
Science - 26
Math - 29
Writing - 33
Reading - 36</p>

<p>Essay - 10</p>

<p>Subject Tests:</p>

<p>Math 1C - 720
US History - 740
Spanish - 780</p>


<p>US History - 5
English Language - 5
Spanish - 5
Calculus - 2 - won't send in this score (bad day)</p>


<p>*Come from a brand new high school that had 8,9,10 grade its first year.
*Play the Bassoon in the Wind Ensemble(all 4 years )
*Have made All-District Band, and All-Region Band(twice). I plan to make it to All-State this year.
*Have been on the School's Drumline, once in the Front Ensemble, and the the past two years on the bass line(section leader). I will play snare next year. I'm thinking my hook could be a drum playing bassonist. I don't know if that's enough though.
*Have been in many UIL academic events. All-district ready writer.
*Peer Mediation 9th Grade Year
*Been President of NJHS, Crime Stoppers
*Been in Student Council for all of high school(been treasurer three times)
*TASC Recognized "Outstanding" Student Council
*Have won some school awards in web design and world history
*Then I've been in a few smaller school clubs for a year or so, but my main things are StuCo, Band, and Academic Stuff.
*In Student Council, I have attended a summer leadership workshop, 2 state conventions, and many district conferences.
*I also volunteer weekly at my church, at least 1.5 hours a week.</p>

* National Hispanic Scholar
* AP Scholar
* 3rd place in The Austin American Statesman's Excellence in Writing Contest(pretty big contest around these parts)
* School awards in Web Design and World History</p>

<p>**Senior year:
* president of NHS.
* treasurer of Student Council again.
* snare as a bassoon player
* co-captain of our drumline
* good chance of making all-state bassoon (or at least area)</p>

<p>That's pretty much it. Feel free to comment on anything, give advice, or give some feedback. Thanks.</p>

<p>I think you've got good stats. Just write good essays and get good reccomendations.</p>

<p>Affirmative Action....</p>


<p>Let's not talk about AA here for a moment. Given my circumstances, what are my chances at these schools?</p>

<p>Bump? Yes.</p>

<p>Without AA you would not stand a terrible chance at HYPS. With it, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if you got into one of them.</p>

<p>You must be crazy... the critics on this forum are way to brutal... anyways I'm sure you will get into one of your choices, if not many... and not solely because of your race, you've got an impressive resume man... don't listen to these harsh critics</p>

<p>Yeah, happens every time I post a chance thread. Oh well....</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>There's no such thing.</p>

<p>I think you have excellent chances...or above average at least...getting into all-state is difficult and takes a lot of your time...I did all-state in NJ so I hear about Texas bands a lot (NJ, California, Texas are all known to be top in state ensembles supposedly)</p>

<p>and on top of that you're valedictorian, good SAT scores, although 2250+ is a much safer position I suppose, good SAT II scores to match, good leadership activities and good ec's to boot as well...I really don't see why you won't get into at least one of your reach schools.</p>

<p>I wish you the best and you are an outstanding student but stand in line and draw a lucky number. You never know..... Bottom line, my guess is the determining factor will be how you present yourself.</p>

<p>How do you think I should present myself?</p>

<p>Honestly, I think you should be disarmingly honest and speak from the heart. Write about something personal that's meaningful to you and let the committee see your soul. But what do I know? I'm in the same boat as you. I just figure if they reject me at least I know that they got a chance to see the real me.</p>

<p>Yeah, I see your point. I'm trying hard to write essays that are sufficiently awesome, but "me" at the same time.</p>

<p>this forum is way too critical. everyone is so discouraging its disgusting. if you are good at the bassoon you'll have a really good shot at any school. bassoon and oboe players are really desired in wind ensembles</p>

<p>"How do you think I should present myself?"</p>

<p>present who you are</p>

<p>Yeah, so I should probably really try to make All State since I've missed auditioning for it by one chair for the past 2 years. Anything else?</p>

<p>I think you get into 1 or 2 of HYPS.</p>