Typo in an EA application

My D23 just texted me in a panic bc she submitted her U Mich application last night and realized this am there is a typo. I read it over too and didn’t see it but now I do. When she was editing, she forgot to remove an “I” and so the sentence doesn’t make sense. I’m assuming nothing can be done but should she contact the AO? Now she will forever think it’s the typo as the cause if she doesn’t get in.

She should not contact the AO about this, it is ok and one typo will not be the reason for a non-acceptance. It’s quite possible the Mich AO doesn’t notice it either, as they are likely spending about 7 minutes on the entire app.

Your D can fix the typo, so all future apps reflect the correct sentence.


Absolutely do not contact the AO over such a minor typo. If she doesn’t get in a small typo won’t be the reason.

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Thank you for the feedback! And for bringing me back to reality. My gosh. So much stress! I’m over it.

Good luck to your D!

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This brings me back fond memories of finding a couple of typos in my son’s essays after the submit button was pressed. Did he contact the AO? Did he panic? No, and neither is recommended. Strongly. Made no impact on the outcome whatsoever.


One of the most careful and detail-oriented people I know told me about the day he got 10 copies of his dissertation back from being bound. He opened one up and the very first thing he noticed was a typo on his abstract. Entropy guarantees that after a certain amount of editing new typos will sneak into writing at the rate they are cleaned up, so they are easily forgiven.

From David Graves at UGA: https://twitter.com/drgravesuga/status/1585363658569568256?s=46&t=eaMbrVQn9wzv4fhqDN13_Q

Don’t worry - they won’t care! At least it was not like this kid who misspelled public​:crazy_face::flushed:

Definitely don’t worry about it. Could definitely be worse … you should read this (any excuse to share the infamous CC “Clam Fart” thread):


Made me think of the same thing!

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ha! that is so funny and definitely puts it into perspective!

As stated for Michigan just don’t. Breath… The chance of getting into Michigan these days is a reach for most people. They aren’t spending that much time evaluating a minor error. But they are evaluating your GPA, grades and rigor. Plus the essays in total should tell them who you are as a person and what type of student you will be on campus. Good luck.