Typos! How much do they hurt?

<p>So being the idiot I am... I decided to go through my Common App and read it over again.</p>

<p>Yeah, bad idea, because now I found a bunch of errors, and I was just wondering how bad these are, and whether or not I should e-mail the schools to tell them I made these mistakes...?</p>

<p>Basically, I messed up the years of my awards. Now, this wouldn't be bad (because really how would they know?) except for the fact that I sent in a resume with all the correct years. So... Yeah, I was 1 year off for EACH of the five awards from my Common App to my resume (ex: I put something down as 12th grade on my Common App and 11th grade on my resume).</p>

<p>Will this really affect my application? (Will they really notice? eep)
Also, if you think it will affect me, should I e-mail them with a corrected version?</p>

<p>i would email admissions at the schools (if you don’t have too many) and tell them of the errors on your common application. </p>

<p>i have the same problem except on my essay. i re-read it after submitting it to almost all of my schools and found a typo where i repeated a word. i think it would be stupid to tell my schools, but it’s eating at me inside. It’s really obvious, but i feel like the essay is good enough to make up for the error. oh well.</p>

<p>I have 5 schools (the frustrating part is that these are my top choice schools - my other schools are still sitting aside waiting to be submitted), so it’s not too many. I’m just really annoyed with myself right now. Aaah!</p>