<p>Hey, I'm a freshman in college (with some AP stuff) who doesn't know **** about all this colege stuf.</p>
<p>And im kindof a idiot at that.</p>
<p>So I'm wondering what I'd have to do to get into a top school. My GPA is a ****ty 3.6 but I don't have too many credits so it can still go up.</p>
<p>I'm okay at math and physics and my scores are all right.</p>
<p>SATI (two tries)-</p>
<p>Verbal 660
Math 770 </p>
<p>Total 1430</p>
<p>SAT II (took one time)</p>
<p>Writing 600
Physics 660
Math IIc 770</p>
<p>I'm also a resident of California and I'm white since that apparently matters. And I'm a guy too I guess.</p>
<p>According to stuff that I've read, people with my kinds of scores can get into okay universities. I'm going to some random place right now (CSU East Bay). According to their site they have a math and physics test that you take to get in. I can probably do okay on those (My Physics SATII test may be misleading because I didn't really take any higher level physics class at the time. I just studied a book for like a few weeks before taking it.).</p>
<p>Obviously I'm in no position now to transfer. But I might still have some time. I'm just wondering what I'd have to do to get into a good school like Berkeley or Caltech. I'm not too smart and I don't work that hard that much and I'm not particuraly academic. But I do believe in God and I don't think that (S)He's above changing the fabric of the universe for my personal gratification.</p>
<p>What kind of GPA would I have to have? Would participating in research projects or anything help?</p>
<p>Design a miracle for me please.</p>
<p>May the wind be always at your back,