U Miami or BU

<p>I got into both schools and i am having alot of trouble decideing which one to attend.
my major is engineering
BU is not giving me any sort of aid but Miami is giving a trustee scholarship which is 11k a year.
I am looking for a school which the social life is fun and exciting while the academic is very good.
Any suggestions?</p>

<p>UMiami without a doubt.
They are both just as expensive and both just as good. Actually i think they are ranked exactly the same with mayby UM beating it by 2 or 3 spots tops.
Ur gonna get the same education, same placement for jobs (Both have great placement) at a cheaper price at UM. </p>

<p>About social life:</p>

<p>UM and BU are both located in huge cities. UM has warm weather all year long while BU is gonna be pretty freezing year long. ull definately experience a white christmas :)
Because of the warm weather, if ur into sports, ull be able to do outdoor sports all year long (example: sailing, golf, soccer, tennis etc.) something u might not be able to do at BU.
UM has an actual "campus" with tons of exotic trees, palm trees, a lake in the center etc.. U got awesome animals all around campus to the point it feels like ur in zoo. U will walk cool on campus paths to get to ur classes.
At Bu, the campus is the city of Boston cause there literally is no "campus" per say. the campus is spread out through city blocks. Ull be walking through street sidewalks to get to ur classes. BU resembles NYU if u know what that feel is like.
BU and UM have similar social scenes. UM probably has a more "on Campus" social scene than BU does just cause BU uses the city of Boston as their campus. Also UM has more of a sports scene as well. ppl pack the stadiums for football games. if ur into that, UM is known for high levels of school spirit. </p>

<p>I personally would pick UM for undergrad and live the whole "college campus" feel. BU's campus is Boston and if u love boston, u can live in that city for grad school or for the rest of ur life. a whole college campus experience is once in a lifetime thing.
I picked UM, with the idea of going to one of those "city campuses" such as NYU or BU for grad school.</p>

<p>Hard to know. They're both great cities (i think boston is better in some aspects though , can't quite put my finger on it.) THey are the same price pretty much, but at least in miami it's constantly warm and beuatiful; boston has its own quaint charm, but it depends on what you're going for. Academically, BU is a little stronger but it's also much more urban it's literally IN the city, likeIN IN the city, but miami is almost 6 miles away, so it's in the suburbs in a rich area. If that doesn't help, do what I'm doing! Put "university of miami" on 20 slips of paper then "BU" on 20 slips of paper, and cycle through a hat...and voila. But the thign is, secretly, you HAVE a cohice that you are already leaning towards, somehow you dont' know it yet (until you go...WAIt...i think i want this one.)</p>

<p>i chose miami over BU because I received more money, and when I came to visit the campus, i definitley liked having an actual campus over the city. Although I do LOVE boston.</p>

<p>Yea as a city, Boston is nicer just because the architecture, the history and all. However Miami is amazingly beautiful city. U have so much to do (sailing, golf, walking through the gorgeous beaches, Downtown has amazing places to walk through as does South Beach. </p>

<p>Once again, the campus is way way prettier (BU dosnt really have one), social life is way better at UMiami (more to do on campus and off imo).</p>

<p>Finally: BU and UM are the exact same thing academically speaking. In fact UM is ranked higher (but by like 2 spots or so ;P)</p>

<p>BU imo is a better grad school experience but not undergrad where u need a campus, greek life, football games and all that stuff :P</p>

<p>Miami has nicer weather, football and girls.</p>

<p>id pick miami hands down</p>