<p>My friend got into these schools. He's from Oregon and he got $25,000 in grants? from the government. So cost really isn't an issue.</p>
4.3 GPA
1450 SAT
Lots of EC's</p>
<p>He loves to snowboard and doesn't know what he wants to major in. He's a big sports fan too. He visited Washington and said the campus was way too big. UNC is kinda far from home.</p>
<p>My brother goes to U of O and got into Washington and Colorado a few years ago, but Oregon made the most sense financially. His number 1 choice was Colorado but they didn't give me any scholarship money, so he ended up at Oregon. I think his number 1 choice is also Colorado. My brother loves U of O, but I think my friend would have a great time going out of state and Boulder is only about 45 minutes from the mountains (Oregon is about an hour and a half away from decent skiing).</p>
<p>I think he wants to move back to Oregon after he graduates. How is Colorado's reputation in Oregon?</p>
<p>UNC is the best school academically speaking, followed by UW, and then I think Oregon and Colorado. However, your friend has eliminated UNC and UW. If cost is the same and your friend truly loves the slopes, he should be a Boulder man.</p>
<p>Oregon makes the most sense. It's where he wants to live after graduation, and it appears to be the cheapest by far. </p>
<p>But isn't it too late now?</p>
<p>ORegon is amazinggggggg</p>
<p>Sheed have you been to the U of O?</p>
<p>I think Sheed lives (or lived) in Portland.</p>
<p>Could be wrong though.</p>
<p>hmmmmm u of o is intersting. Eugene is interesting. Would not be one of my fav places and is very diff from the rest of oregon. U of O has got a decen campus.
Their journalism and business is very good. No engineering thouhg.</p>
<p>I lived in Eugene for 7 years and in portland for almost 11, I know both cities pretty well. Both my parents went to Uof O, they liked it...but then again that was years and years ago.</p>
<p>In no way is UNC superior to the U of Washington. UNC is a fine school, but the number of research grants earned by the UW backs up my argument.</p>
<p>UNC is generally seen as a first-tier Public Ivy, while UW is seen as a second tier Public. Moreover, UNC isn't as much of a research uni as UW is so that argument doesn't make much sense.</p>
<p>I don't know why you're arguing Washington vs. UNC.</p>
<p>UNC is so much better in terms of undergraduate education. UW is not a good school for undergrads unless you are in the honors program. Freshman class sizes for large lectures can get up in the 800's and there's even a humanities class that has 1200 students. That's absolutely ridiculous. The professors at UW do not care about the students, they are far too consumed in their research.</p>
<p>After visiting the campus, he said there was absolutely no way he would ever go to UW as an undergraduate. In terms of the education you'd be receiving as an undergrad at UW, it's similar to Ohio State or Arizona State. Great grad school (especially the Med School) though.</p>
<p>UNC's significantly better than the other schools listed; I'd go there.</p>