U of A vs. ASU?

I have just toured both schools and I am SO torn. My major is business/marketing. I have heard great things about both programs.
So far what sticks out to me in terms of differences is:
-housing better at ASU since you’re housed by major you can make more connections
-Greek life better at UA (not even comparable really)
-campus is more modern at ASU which is something that I like
-ASU = “everyone gets in”, I kind of like the more ‘prestigious’ feel UA has?

Those were just my first impressions. I’m planning to rush and I do enjoy parties. Any help?!

To be honest, MBA at ASU is very good in comparison to UA. I’m doing Pre-Med so I will go to UA but ASU has very good business and engineering program. I’m very unbiased since I focus more on what has better education for what I want to do.

As a prior Wildcat fan in high school, and an engineering major, that also took a 3 year break after high school in the military, I can tell you why I switched opinions on which one I chose to attend after I got out of the Army. Growing up in Phoenix, I can say that the common stigma between ASU and U of A is that U of A students/fans consistently have to put down ASU’s academics, but neglect to mention any facts supporting their arguments. First off I am not here to put down U of A because U of A is an outstanding school, and so is ASU, in fact both schools have some of the best programs in the country.

First to debunk the acceptance rate argument. U of A has a 76.9% acceptance rate as of 2014, while ASU has an 80.2%. Not much for either school to brag about really. The argument U of A has is: “we accept slight less people than you, but still accept 15% more people than the national average”. The reason for this is because the state of Arizona requires its public universities to accept every student that is either in top 25% of their graduating class, has a 3.0 gpa, or has a 22 ACT. This does not apply to every major though, and leads to far more competitive admission into tougher programs at bother schools. In addition, I would like to point out that ASU has the higher test scores, and the higher average GPA for admitted students, probably because of the honors college though.

Now in terms of programs, U of A excels at some, and ASU excels at others. Business, Journalism, nursing, and Engineering at ASU are higher ranked than U of A’s programs. ASU’s business program is ranked 30 by US news, while U of A’s is at 56. Engineering at ASU is at 42, while U of A’s is 52. If you are interested in law, then look into ASU’s 22 ranked law school, one of the best public law schools in the country. Even U of A’s pride and joy medical field gets trumped in the nursing department, with ASU’s 24th ranked program, compared to U of A’s 38th ranked program. The honors college at ASU is also nationally know, and sends one of the highest percentages of students to graduate Ivy League schools over any other honors college in the country.

On the other hand, U of A has one of the best optical science programs in the country, gets awarded the most money for research by NASA over any university in the entire US, has an excellent astronomy program, has a world class telescope, has a medical school, is a better research university, has a slightly better computer science program, and over all is ranked higher by forbes by around 30 spots.

So don’t listen to people on what they think a prestigious university is. Neither school is really all that prestigious. I can tell you that University of Texas literally eats both alive in just about every ranking ever created, and even then is still not as prestigious as Cal Berkeley, or UCLA, or Michigan, or Georgia Tech, and those schools aren’t even as prestigious as the elite private colleges. Prestige of the school really doesn’t matter, the ranking of the program you are in, and what you do while in school matters far more. For example, a Mechanical Engineering degree from Georgia Tech, followed by a good internship, will look better than the same degree from Harvard and no internship to an employer looking for a mechanical engineer. Georgia Tech is a top 5 engineering school, and an internship is valuable experience, while Harvard is a top 30 engineering school.

So you can sit there and listen to U of A supporters brag about their 77% acceptance rate, or you can choose the school that actually is a better fit for you, and will give you more opportunity to succeed.

Just keep weighing out the pros and cons of each ,with regards to your personal interests! Imagine each scenario and go wherever you think you will be most happy! Both are great schools, but bear down!

Thanks a lot for the info seancasaus, My situation is more difficult because I man international student and cant visit campus. out of 50+ universities I cut the list to below four Which one you could go if you consider weather, campus, location, safety ,

Arizona State

Louisiana State



I have visited 3 out of the 4 schools listed above - UA, ASU and Oklahoma and they are all very different. UA and Oklahoma are probably in similar city settings - both mid size towns with a lot of attention on the school. Both have a small percentage of international students. The student body’s are very different. Oklahoma is a conservative state and OU also pulls a lot of students from the Dallas area which is also conservative. UA appeared to be more relaxed - flip flops vs cowboy boots. ASU is in a much larger and suburban setting. It does have a larger international draw. We toured the campus last week and I was surprised at where the kids came from - all over including international. Arizona residents were definitely a minority on that tour. Out of the 3, my D preferred UA, but she is looking for a denser, smaller campus. It also has the top ranking for her degree out of these schools. Hope this helps.


We live in Arizona and have visited both ASU and Arizona many times. Generally, I agree with @GTAustin. Arizona has more of a traditional college campus feel. The campus is smaller and easier to walk. Tucson is not small, but it is much smaller than the Phoenix metropolitan area, which is quite large. The ASU campus is huge and pretty institutional. I do like the area around the ASU campus better than that around Tucson. ASU has light-rail connections to downtown Phoenix and the airport and to some other parts of town. If you can get into the Honors colleges at the two schools, UA’s is nice, but ASU’s Barrett Honors College is one of the best in the U.S. It’s a separate campus, fenced off from the rest of campus, with it’s own dorms, cafeteria, lounge, and work-out facilities.

The schools are pretty comparable academically. ASU is a bit better for engineering and business; UA is better for liberal arts and the life sciences.

% International Students (per US News):
Arizona 5.5%
ASU 7.2%
LSU 1.7%
Oklahoma 3.8%

ASU has a nice video on this page: https://students.asu.edu/international/future/undergrad

Which is more affordable?

We were looking at the 3 schools for NMF considerations and based on that - OU has the best package, followed by UA and then ASU. ASU has a higher cost than UA because of the cost of the Barrett. It is a wonderful program and facility but does cost more especially the meal plan.

ASU charges a $1000/year honors college surcharge; UA $500. UA fixes tuition for four years at the freshman rate; ASU does not.