U of A vs UT Austin

<p>Hi everyone, I need your help on this one.</p>

<p>Which of these schools is better for Psychology (BS)?</p>

<p>U of A is definitely more affordable but UT Austin I guess is more prestigious across the board.</p>

<p>I’m really concerned over the max course load allowed per semester too. For UT, its 17, but for U of A, I’m pretty sure it’s higher than that. Given the hight price of Tuition for UT ($12.5k per semester vs $7k at Arizona), I really need advice as to which school to go to.</p>

<p>Any input would be appreciated!</p>

<p>It would be dumb to pass up UT.</p>

<p>Hi El-Taco-Grande,</p>

<p>That's what I thought too. However, I having 2nd doubts about UT, partly because of its high tuition for OOS. </p>

<p>Also, it is really surprising the maximum course load at UT is 19, and that's with advisor approval. I believe in many other schools 1 can easily take 21 without much hinderance.</p>

<p>I just need to know is the extra tuition worth it?</p>

<p>Take the less money, college is what you make of it. If you really want, transfer after your 2nd year if the major at UT is superior.</p>

<p>The problem is I heard that Psychology is strong at both the U of A and UT .. And I'm a transfer student so I really don't know what to do from now.. Go to U of A with the lower tuition , or to UT with the higher prestige? I heard that classes are UT are pretty hard to get into also, so the flat rate tuition may not bring down the cost of tuition that much either at UT. But at U of A, the tuition is definitely much more affordable , but I'm not sure if it is that easy to get into classes as compared to UT. Any suggestions? Thanks everyone</p>

<p>My Philosophy teacher always says, "When you apply to Graduate programs, Universities/Colleges always look at the past school you attended". So if this logic is true, University of Texas is superior in Social Sciences. </p>

<p>PS. I have visted both campuse and it seems like students at UT are more focused. Yet , UofA is not to shabby itself. (Im applying their too, but its far from my first choice)</p>