U of Arizona: How to calculate unweighted GPA for OOS merit tuition?

How would my son calculate his core unweighted GPA to see what level of OOS merit scholarship he qualifies for? He just completed his junior year (6th semester) and will be applying class of 2024. He has several more core classes than necessary because of his classical school requirements. If he’s completed all 16 core competencies, does he use all 16? Or does he use just 12 because he will be taking more classes in every category in his senior year?

If his school uses percentages rather than letter grades, should he convert a 90 and above to A= 4.0 and a 80-89 as a B=3.0? or Does U of A use +/-?

I am curious as this, as well. My daughter has five core science classes, four with A’s and one with a B. Do they take the highest? Lowest? It makes a huge financial difference. I reached out to our recruiter and did not get an answer.

If you can’t get a specific answer to your question from U of A staff, it’s probably that they can’t answer you to the level of detail that you are looking for right now.

There is a bill before Congress right now that, if passed, will directly impact how colleges advertise and communicate cost of attendance and financial aid (both merit and need).

Here it is in draft form: