<p>I haven't really considered applying out of State, Oklahoma resident, because of my "average transcript," but some friends have talked me into it. So I was wondering if there is a "reasonable" chance that I could be accepted to U of C. Here's my stats so far:.</p>
<p>GPA-3.8 (unweighted)
Top 10% (literally top 10, maybe 11 now)</p>
Ap european-3
all advanced classes
AP Chemistry- (Tested Late got screwed)
AP Environ-3
All advanced classes
AP Physics
AP Calculus
AP Government
AP Lit
All advanced classes</p>
Academic Team
Mock trial
Spanish Club
JSA co-founder and active member
Member of Inventeen
honor's society
Attend a selective math and science school (regional OSSM) for half a day then return to my high for the rest of the school day.</p>
<p>And if it counts for anything, a senior who is also an independent student (I live on my own).
I predict my essays to be decent to great and I should have outstanding recommendations from my teachers.</p>
<p>Other then U of C I'll be applying to Purdue (aunt was a teacher there) and the University of Oklahoma-full ride thanks to the ACT score.
(Incase anyone notices this thread is also posted under the U of C board.)</p>