U of C summer program chances

<p>I want to apply for the high school law summer program</p>

<p>I'm a Junior. </p>

<p>3.714 w</p>

<p>2 AP
2 honors</p>

<p>upward trend</p>

<p>I hear the summer program is considerably easier to get into than the actual school. I know a lot of it depends on the essay and rec's. So lets just hypothetically say that both are pretty good. What would my chances be?</p>

<p>Any college program is VERY easy to get into. The summer programs are there to make money for the school, because the students they accept have little to do with the school's reputation, they don't really care who comes as long as the person (as it seems is true with you) has demonstrated they are capable of doing the work.</p>

<p>I did a Penn Pre-College program and a program at Phillips Academy in Andover. I also got into the Cornell Program last summer but didn't go. Very easy. I know not so great students who did the Harvard program (which has a reputation for people just partying in Boston for the entire summer and doing a lot of drugs because they are so relaxed with the rules). I would not fret, you'll get in.</p>

<p>Oh, and also, unlike in actual college admissions, if you have any connection to the school i.e. legacy or parents work there, there is no way you will not get in to the summer program unless you are borderline retarded.</p>

<p>lol Smirkus</p>

<p>You'll probably get in though, Smirkus speaks the truth</p>

<p>thanks for the support. do you think it will play a good roll as an EC when I apply for undergraduate at u of c?</p>

<p>For all of the summer study programs at all colleges, it doesn't matter what college you do it at, it has NO added bonus because you did it at their college. This is written in the programs literature, my college counselor told me that, so yeah. Helps as an interesting EC for the summer, but no added bonuses there (except, if you are taking college classes and want credit, if you get credit and go to the U you took it at you will have no problem cashing it in).</p>

<p>Smirkus is 100% correct. Colleges will accept anyone and everyone to their summer programs. It's just a way to get the college name out there to all the students, and it means nothing when actually getting into college. However, pretty much all of these programs are awesome experiences, and you usually get to meet a lot of people from around the country/world. Especially at a place like UChicago, you'll definitely have some diversity in your program. Oh, and you'll probably get in without any worries. Good luck!</p>