U of North Carolina School of the Arts - Unified Location?

<p>help! We need to know what hotel NCSA is using for the Los Angeles Unifieds on Monday Feb. 9th!!! Anybody know?</p>

<p>We were at the CMU and Purchase auditions today at the Westin LAX, and the event board said that NCSA was there also – but they weren’t. Possibly tomorrow?</p>

<p>My son is auditioning tomorrow for NCSA at the Westin LAX.</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I am wondering about the taping. A friend’s son auditioned yesterday for SUNY Purchase in Los Angeles yesterday, and she said he was very encouraged. He said a lady gave him a “packet” of material and said he’d be hearing from them soon. I don’t think he did a second audition for tape, though, and they don’t seem to know too much about the process (exactly like us before we stumbled upon CC and the helpful folks here). </p>

<p>If one isn’t taped is that an automatic denial, since it seems that to be accepted some schools require the entire faculty to view an audition? Or is it possible that someone was just so wonderful that the taping wasn’t required? I think friend is actually hoping son will get into a small LAC with a theater major, she doesn’t believe he is ready for conservatory.</p>

<p>Again, I am wondering how everyone else finds out all this info?? They must have MUCH better theater departments than DS’s high school has!</p>

<p>My daughter’s friend was taped at her Purchase audition. We got the impression that this was a “call back” of sorts so that the other faculty could see the audition – and that if you didn’t get taped you would not be accepted. My daughter also did not get taped but got the “packet”. Based on the woman’s demeanor/body language, I definitely got the impression that my daughter was not going to be considered further. I’d be interested to hear if others have the same impression.</p>

<p>The tapes are necessary. Dean and Ronni review them once all the auditions are over. No tape tends to mean no chance.</p>