<p>At first these seems like an easy choice, and my dream is Berkeley, but I received nothing from them as expected, so my choices are much more complicated than I first imagined. </p>
<p>I can afford UW for all four years. Oxy, GWU, and American all gave me similar amounts of aid and I would accumulate around $20k to $50k in debt depending on what happens with work, future financial aid, etc. Berkeley would be well over $120k in debt. </p>
<p>My dream is to help solve this world's environmental problems. I don't know what path I will take to do so, but I think I am leaning toward building a strong scientific foundation and earning a law degree later to work in policy. I want a diverse school with many voices and ideas where I will have small classes, but also many excellent professors. I want a student body focused on learning, not drinking. I also want to spark my activism and leadership in college. I hope to grow in college and face many challenges that will prepare me for the adult and working world without fear. </p>
<p>I love Berkeley for its programs, history of activism, its location (I dream to live in the Bay Area), and the caliber of its education. Berkeley has been motivating me for years and now I am struggling to let go of it as a dream despite the stress I will be under with the debt. </p>
<p>UW is my reasonable choice. I discovered today through some more research that the environmental programs are not bad like I believed they were, in fact they appear to be some of the best in the country. However I was hoping to leave Washington for college and since I was rejected from the Honors College unexpectedly I am not looking forward to the academic setting if I go. Nevertheless I feel quite comfortable with UW, and I know it would be a wonderful school; I just don't have the enthusiasm I hold for all my other choices. </p>
<p>Oxy is the one school I haven't visited, and probably cannot in time. However I was surprised by the school in many ways after attending a reception this week and speaking to alumni and school officials. I feel like a LAC is actually a great fit for me, and Oxy has many fantastic programs. I hate the tininess of Oxy with less than 2000 students total and I really never thought I would want to go to an LAC. I've been on the campus, but at Christmas time and it seemed like a wonderful place to be. I worry a little about the prestige and the cost because it is still some considerable debt, but I think it might be better for someone like me who can often struggle to get by at times and shine at other moments. </p>
<p>I am starting to doubt how much I'll like GWU and American. I don't know if I want to do policy especially going right into undergrad, and I think I want a stronger scientific basis in the environment. I love DC, and I will be visiting next week. I hear GWU is a little snooty and American doesn't seem particularly challenging or inspiring. </p>
<p>I need some help here. I really would like to hear how much debt is worth going to college for and also what environmental programs are really worth my money and time. Where will I feel comfortable, yet still challenged to face the world? </p>