U Virginia v. Case Western v. U San Francisco

I just got accepted into all three schools for direct-entry nursing, and I’m having trouble deciding which one to attend!
I’m considering UVA the most, because of its prestige, but since only ~30% of their nursing students work out of state, I’m worried that I won’t be able to properly fulfill the requirements to get licensure in CA, which is where I want to work in the future.
I’m also considering Case Western for nursing. They’ve given me a pretty good merit and aid package, and are known for nursing.
Finally, there’s USF! USF is very close to my house (about 1 hour away), and would allow me to visit home often in my first year. I could probably even commute for the rest of the years to reduce cost! I’m a family girl, so USF being close to home is a great plus. USF also has connections to UCSF, which would give me access to one of the best hospitals in the nation. However, USF is nowhere near as prestigious as UVA…

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? I want to make a suitable decision and have no regrets!

Cville is a really great place to go to college. My son and I both went there (but not for nursing). The big medical complex is right next to the University’s academic buildings, which makes it very convenient, and helps the nursing students remain integrated with the other students.

UVa also has a great modern nursing building, in addition to the 1970s building.

The out of state acceptance rate for UVa’s nursing program last year was 9% percent.


Unless California has some unusual requirements, it usually is simply a matter of paperwork to transfer a nursing license from one state to the other. In fact, I don’t think a transfer would be needed - you just apply for the state board of nursing where you want to live when you take the test. .

No wrong choice among your three options. Happiness is important.

pick the one you like the best, the one that offers a solid program. It is not the name of the school that matters so much, it is how they prepare their students. Sounds like you are leading towards one particular school, maybe ask to spend a day with the nursing students there, do a one day visit, & get a better feel of what they do. My Ds went to one of the school that accepted you, ( it is awonderful !!! ). I wont say which one b/c I will not be objective.
Where did you get that figure about 30% of the students work out of state? even in-state students apply to hospitals out of the area & out of state. They do not neccessary stay close to home or stay in their home state. You can definitely apply to any jobs in CA ( your home state ) no matter where you attend school.