UA Guaranteed Scholarships

<p>Question: When are these officially awarded? Is it in the spring? Or are they awarded with the acceptance?</p>

<p>I’m referring to the ACT/SAT-based scholarships.</p>

<p>After students with the merit-qualified stats are accepted, they are sent a letter about the scholarship that they’ve qualified for. Then, in the Spring, they’re sent an “official” notification about the scholarship. At that point, they would indicate that they will be attending Bama and formally accept the scholarship offer.</p>

<p>Is your child a junior? Are you asking for next year’s app season??</p>

<p>I just found out that I am a Nat’l Achievement Finalist and that I meet all of the requirements for the Merit/Achievement Scholarship (3.5 GPA, accepted by Dec. 1, etc.). What is the next step to making sure that I am covered by the scholarship? Do I need to send in the notification letter, go through the Achievement/Merit corporation? Thanks for any responses.</p>



<p>Bama has probably been informed that you’re a NAF, but just in case, send an email to <a href=“”></a> and ask if you need to do anything.</p>

<p>Include name and CWID</p>

<p>You’ve been accepted and have probably rec’d the first scholarship, right (Presidential)? Now you’ll get the rest. :)</p>

<p>BTW…if you know any other students who are NMF or NA, tell them that the scholarship at Bama is still available…they can still apply and get it. </p>

<p>The Dec 1 deadline is only for those who make SF, but don’t move onto Finalist.</p>

<p>I received a response to my e-mail today and it said that all that is needed is an e-mail or fax of the notification letter.

<p>Oh good!!</p>

<p>:) </p>

<p>Fax Away!!</p>