Our son is down to just Ole Miss and UA. Truth be told, I thought he was “all in” for UA…but he is really struggling right now and I think he is right down the middle. Did anyone find themselves in the same boat? I am hoping that an upcoming revist of both will help clear things up - or at least give him the info he feels he is missing.
What’s weird, is that both schools sort of present themselves quite differently. UA feels MUCH larger and grand. Everything about UA feels polished and well-executed (which I like). UA feels sort of like going to Disney…everything just works! Ole Miss feels MUCH smaller (even though it’s really not). Much more personal and intimate.
Right now, Ole Miss has some major strengths - the Honors College is really drawing him in. They made a big deal about it - and him.
UA impressed him physically and he liked the caliber of everything. However, the Honors Program didn’t feel as intimate and he sort of felt a bit anonymous.
Mom is secretly (or not so) pulling for Ole Miss simply because it is 5 hours vice 9. That sounds trivial, but it does mean we will be much more active in his college experience. Heck, I would probably get season tickets since mere mortals can get tix.
Dad (me) is ok with either. Ole Miss is 100% covered now (we know that). UA is most-ish covered - but nothing crying about. I told our son that right now money is no object (we don’t get to say that often).
I am leaving the country for six months soon and told him that as soon as I depart, it’s time to cowboy up and commit. We discussed doing dual deposits and enrollment and then ultimately committing in the spring, but that seems a bit of a waste. I think that’s really just delaying the inevitable.
We are going to Ole Miss at the end of the month. We have a full day of a semi-custom tour. Housing, Engineering, Honors. Anything else to consider?
We are then doing the University Days in October at UA. That’s sort of grand turn-key from UA. I am sure it will be grand. Anything we should add?
I am asking my wife to back off and let him decide and quit reminding him how much closer Ole Miss is… I am trying to rationalize this through my eyes and not through the eyes of an 18 yo. Clearly this is a big deal for him and want to empower him - not frustrate him.
Any tips appreciated!