UA Presidential Scholarship questions

<p>Hey all,
I’ve had a look on UA’s website and from what I’ve read there- a student needs to have at minimum the stats listed (1400-1600 SAT, 3.5 cumulative GPA), and then the recipients of the scholarship are chosen from the eligible applicants? What is the typical profile of a student receiving this scholarship, if one of you perhaps knows a UA presidential scholar, are one or your kid is one? Thank you all very much! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>These are guaranteed scholarships; if you have the required stats and you apply by the stated date, you’ll receive the scholarship. It’s not a competitive process.</p>

<p>Yep I discovered that after posting this! :)</p>

<p>FYI, the Fall of 2013 freshmen class had about 913 Presidential Scholars, according to the 2013-14 UA Fact Book:
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I suspect the Fall 2014 freshmen class will have around the same number.</p>

<p>That is an estimated $15 million in tuition scholarship money PER YEAR (assuming 1/2 are in-state and 1/2 are OOS). Whoa. Have I done my sums right? Regardless, THANK YOU, UA!!!</p>


<p>that doesnt count the UA scholars and the ones with the engg 1/3 bump and all other awards. The NMF/NA presidential part is included, but not the rest of the NMF/NA awards.</p>

<p>anyone know how many UA Scholars there are?</p>

<p>(BTW…I dont think the Presidentials are half in and half OOS…I think that there are more OOS). </p>

<p>I dont want to sound audacious but I always wondered:</p>

<p>if someone is awarded the presidential scholarship for full tuition and they attend UA up to sohpmore/junior/senior year… but feel like its not for them and decide to transfer to another school. What are the consequences of transferring? Is UA explicit about these consequences because I haven’t found anything on their website regarding this.</p>

<p>Nope, no consequences…nothing to pay back…just be grateful.</p>

<p>Also- is the Presidential Scholarship available to internationals?
@aeromom‌ @mom2collegekids‌ </p>

<p>Here’s an excerpt from the link re int’l students: “The University of Alabama does not offer specific financial aid to international undergraduate students. Students may be eligible for general academic awards,”
<a href=“Conditional Admission – Admissions”>;/a&gt;
Also, here is the link to view the Int’l Recruiter, for further info: <a href=“”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>In the past, intls who have the stats and meet the deadlines get the awards as well. There hasnt been any changes that we’re aware of.</p>

<p>Which makes me wonder about a certain other poster who claims to be international student, and is a non-citizen, yet claims to also have Presidential award. Hmmmmm.</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids‌ I certainly hope so!
@aeromom‌ so you think intls don’t get the automatics?</p>

<p>every intl that I know of, who applied on time with the needed stats, has gotten the awards.</p>

<p>I would most def check this out with the Int’l Recruiter, Eunice Overton to be sure.</p>

<p>@aeromom‌ Yep I tried doing that earlier but there was an error on the server (I was on my phone so that may have been part of the problem). I’ll hop on there now and send in an inquiry</p>

<p>On the paper application, it asks if you are a permanent resident (from alien card). So, perhaps someone can be an international student without P.R., and NOT get the award, whereas someone who is int’l student WITH P.R. status gets it? I would check on this, most definitely…otherwise, why aren’t there an absolute TON of foreign students attending UA…for FREE!? So, this doesn’t add up to me, since the pres award is ‘automatic’ (as long as you meet deadline and have the stats).</p>

<p>@aeromom‌ Hmm yes that makes sense, though I hope it’s not so, for my sake at least! If intls are eligible it seems many of us are missing out on a possibly (depending on the student) excellent opportunity, probably from not knowing about it. I’ve tried contacting Eunice again and once pressing send or whatever on the inquiry it doesn’t load the next page, hmm, I might try again and if it still doesn’t work I’ll possibly wait a while since it could be a server error on UA’s end. </p>

<p>You might find it easier to contact that recruiter by finding their email on the UA directory <a href=“”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama; and typing that email address directly into a new email via your email provider’s website.</p>

<p>To me the wording makes it sound like international students are eligible for the same packages as everyone else, but that there are no awards designed specifically for international students. I could be wrong though.</p>