UA Reception in Indy

<p>Last night, an army of UA Staff hosted a Reception at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. It was nicely planned with Dr. Whitaker, a current UA parent, a Soph UA student from Zionsville, and the Regional Rep giving brief speeches about their experience with all things UA. Dr. Whitaker (College of Engineering) was concise and to the point about the “happenings” around UA and all the exciting things to come. </p>

<p>If ever you have the opportunity to attend one of the UA events hosted in your local area, please go. My daughter had a new twinkle in her eye from the time she was greeted by the Regional Rep and Mrs. Spiegel, Director of Enrollment Services. Once again, it was demonstrated how much interest the UA Admin truly have in their current and future students. </p>

<p>After many campus visits and the warmth my D receives from the UA folks, there’s no looking back! She’s super ready to be on campus experiencing all that UA promises. After last night, she’s a 110% ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>I’m thankful that UA has made such a positive impact on my first child. It was not on her radar until 6 months ago. As her parent, I know that she has made a wonderful decision to be a part of the Crimson Tide family. </p>

<p>I wish the best of luck to all the students and families out there searching for the college “home” that’s right for them. Our experience with UA has been second to NONE!</p>

<p>Congrats and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Asaunmom: Welcome to the “Bama Family” Congratulations on your daughter’s decision!</p>