UA Tour/Honors College vs. State Flagship

<p>Last week my daughter and I toured colleges in our state (Michigan) and UA. To me, hands down, UA was the clear winner! Thanks to this site, we had Allison in the Honors College arrange meetings with us all day an had the “red carpet” treatment. My daughter is not a NMSF, but a 4.0/IB diploma/32 ACT student. Since my daughter is a junior, we have “time” to decide, and I want the decision to be hers. We both loved University of Michigan, but the cost will definitely be more than UA (due to scholarships), and quite frankly, I think UA is the better option for her. She plans on going to med school and she will need to take loans for that, so I think she needs to minimize (or in UA’s case eliminate) debt in her undergrad degree. She liked UA, and afterwards she asked if I could “arrange” a similar one-on-one tour with University of Michigan. I almost laughed, but I said I could try. Any advice you could give would be appreciated. At this point, I am just “waiting” for her to agree that UA is the best choice, but it may not come until Feb when I’m quite certain UM will not give any merit/financial aid. And, at this point, I know a decision does not need to be made and she is still applying to her “dream school” Stanford, and several universities in Michigan that will also offer her full-tuition. Thanks to all, especially Mom2collegekids and APhiMommy!!!</p>


<p>glad to hear that your visit went so well. </p>

<p>If we can help in any way, let us know.</p>

<p>Thanks, Mom2CollegeKids! What an amazing school and staff looking to recruit “top-tier” students! I cannot express enough how impressive UA was! By the way, the dorms were so impressive, what a joke other campus dorms are in comparison! This will be an interesting year . . . then a few years later I have a band/math student looking to be a band/math teacher. How about the million dollar band . . .</p>

<p>Hi Christine, we are from Michigan also and my son will be attending Bama in the fall. We looked at several schools in the state (curious as to which schools in Michigan will give full-tuition…my son has similar stats but we didn’t come across too many here with strong merit aid), but for my son he sees UA as an opportunity to experience life outside of this little bubble we seem to live in.</p>

<p>My S also considered the Million Dollar Band but has opted instead to just participate in the ensembles due to the time commitment of being part of the drumline. Since your D is a junior, if she does keep UA top on the list I recommend you get her down in Feb. to participate in the UA Honor Band event. She will likely be the only one from Michigan, but it will be an opportunity to meet and interact with the music professors and she will likely receive a small music scholarship to go along with her Presidential Scholarship.</p>

<p>My Father raised my daughter to go to UM-go blue. She didn’t even apply after touring and meeting their admissions folks. They came across as arrogant and elitist. Hands down Alabama for her.</p>

<p>ChristineF…you are so welcome! Sorry for responding so late…was traveling home from Tuscaloosa…hated to leave. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your daughter!</p>

<p>wdaveo - Oakland University gives an automatic full tuition award for a 31 ACT and 3.9 gpa. Also, Wayne State gives a $10,000 award (full tuition usually) at their competition, not sure how many, but a lot (in the hundreds I believe), Grand Valley’s highest award covers $8500 (most of their tuition), and Saginaw Valley State gives (I think) free tuition. These, along with WMU, EMU, CMU have competition-based awards that my daughter may (or may not) receive. Just trying to look at all options! Where are you from, wdaveo?</p>

<p>My son is a Freshman, he is our band/math man, but if dd goes to Alabama, I’m sure we will be seeing the Million Dollar Band!!</p>

<p>pink turtles -Yes, UM seemed elitist, but it was an amazing campus and I have seen first-hand how someone with that UM degree has more doors opened for them.</p>

<p>Lol Christine you sound exactly like my mother about UA. We met the regional admissions officer last weekend and she made me stay there and talk with him for ~20 minutes. I do have to admit, the money is very appealing even though it is hard to see myself moving to Alabama after growing up in CA.</p>

<p>Leah…as a Calif girl myself, going to school in Tuscaloosa would be wonderful. Not only are many Calif schools ugly (lol), but they just aren’t often placed in cities that just love their school. </p>

<p>I went to a UC and H went to Big Ten. We both would have preferred Bama.</p>

<p>You really have to visit to see.</p>

<p>My son did not like U of M at all…but my daughter loves it! Just differences in personalities, I think.</p>

<p>M2ck we are visiting this summer! It will be interesting, because I’ve ever been to the South before. Reading the Bama brag thread, I was very impressed by the immense amount of opportunities there.</p>

<p>lol…oh no, the summer. Be aware that the Alabama heat (which isn’t fun!) isn’t like that during the school year (thank goodness!) except for the first couple of weeks. </p>

<p>As a Calif girl, you may be used to dry heat (I was), so I wasn’t prepared for “southern heat”. </p>

<p>Before you visit, let Allison and Susan from the Honors College know that you’re coming. First set up your campus tour time (try for an early one), then send them emails with the date/time of your campus tour, your major, your stats, etc, and they’ll arrange the rest of your day. </p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. These ladies do an excellent job and work very hard.</p>

<p>Don’t bring anything clingy for a summer visit. Cool breathable clothes. If you’ve ever been to Walt Disney World in the summer…</p>

<p>Thanks for the info! I will be sure to arrange a visit. I met my local recruiting officer at a college fair and was happily surprised by how much more enthusiastic bama seemed than the rest of the schools there, especially once they hear about anything regarding national merit. I did get his information and am planning on attending a local info session they will be holding soon. </p>

<p>I haven’t been the the south in the summer, but I have been to southern Asia around summertime, so I’m assuming it will be similarly miserable weather wise ahaha.</p>