Did anyone else apply?

The EMSAP app was due today. I’d love to hear some of the stats and ideas of other who applied. Discuss

Maybe you should discuss it here?

@Elemelon my son applied and received an interview for the end of this month!


How did he receive the notice?

This should probably be moved to the correct premed/med school forum.

@ci1718 Are you instate?

@elemelon Are you instate? What are your stats?

It can be very hard to get an interview if you’re not instate, from a border state, or have some tie to the state.

@Elemelon he was called first then he received an email

My son is out of state. @mom2collegekids



Good to know.
Crossing my fingers that I hopefully get an interview.

My son is getting interviewed at the end of this month. We are in state.

@Elemelon I was told that everyone who got in was called by 1/1. If you haven’t gotten the call, they may have sent the information to your email.

I wonder how they decide who to interview and who to reject with over 200 applicants.

I have zero idea of who gets an interview or who does not.

I am OOS too. got an interview. Does anyone know how many are offered admission for the 10 seats? usally all schools give out more since they exoect some won’t accept. 30 interviewed. How many offered any idea?

ok found it … 14 stucents.

@goaltobemd that means approximately 47 percent chance of acceptance! Where are you from?

Look at their web site and see their typical EMSAP student.

@FutureMDParent Do you mean the typical GPA and ACT score?

Where has this discussion moved to?